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S2 licensed
Just add a note ingame that u got mail @ lfsworld :>
S2 licensed
Why not use the LFSworld mailbox
S2 licensed
No one mentions me i was up there in top giveing Bravus, lordblaster and Moose something to chase! or be chased by but it was nice races exp a few RB4's overdoing it on T1 coming down like rockets with no breaks

This was on FE on SO it was a nightmare just 1-2h, beffor 2 very bad attitude and driver skilled pppl left server and avg attitude was greaty upped and got even better when Dan stopped by

But big thanks to Bravus for makeing me set 6 new pbs

S2 licensed
Just make a Vote prio, Person that been on server for X amount of time got more controll over restart the more Persons been online share this prio. This will make it hard for newcomers to get in and restart it. But allso make it easyer for ppl that been on server to make a restart as thy have more controll over the restart
S2 licensed
I would suggest change it back since the new layout realy just makes more crashes then beffor :/ and kinda ruiens the felling of a race its more or winning a lottery if you get out of that turn alive or not

(btw im back on fox again^^)
Last edited by darkfate, .
S2 licensed
Quote from col :Getting the feeling that you are misunderstanding some basic logical reality of approaching a corner when behind another car.

I have watched you racing and tapping other drivers - when I watched, none of them were braking early or over cautiously, and none of them were trying to 'catch you out' in any way, you were just going in a little too hot and nudging them !

Anyway, if the car in front brakes in the braking zone for a corner and you tap them you must wait for them to recover control of their car before you start racing them again (even if you lose places).

If they brake unfairly in a way designed to cause a crash, then report them and they will be dealt with (assuming it was an unfair move)

I have watched you race to and pushing me in the back to make me slide
"misunderstanding some basic logical reality of overtaking".. And ofc i do know that all cars got diffrent breakpoints and so does ppl.

But the ones i was refering to was the ones that know thy are slower so thy get into a defensive driveing stile sawying all over (blocking) and pre break so you have to slam break with cause lockups. i did a littel frap movie but it turned out to be 1.5gig so i need to find propper tools to make it smaller, But ones i can il show what i mean since English is not main langish and i got dyslexi so it might be hard to understand what i mean
S2 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Well the timing of those letters leaves something to be desired sometimes.

You mean like this?
S2 licensed
I might be blind but i did not se any red leatters i joined lap 3/4 and got nothing atleast
S2 licensed
Geting abit freaky inhere :> Anyways as my idee got shoot down fast maybe Just a small Msg could be put in When a new player joins mid-race like Race in progress exit pit with caution? did a lots of lap last night and i got into atleast 5 mid race blockers then again i was driveing realy slow lastnight so was no biggy but still it takes the fun out of it abit i mean i dont se new ppl join mid race in any reallife raceing :S
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I would disagree with that. Mid-race-join laps are useful for newcomers to get up to speed so they don't cause accidents on the next restart. If you've got safe drivers they won't cause accidents or impede anyone when they join mid-race, and I thought the plan was to filter out all the bad drivers using the license system?

Cant agree with you since, Get up to speed thy got plenty of time doing on next race why destroy for the ones allready raceing? You join you wait then you start back of line and work you way to top its not a quake game where you die respawn and go again since here loseing time is devestating offen this "mid races" bindkeys a pit out msg pull out infront of top 3-4 and ignores the blue flag with makes alot of frustration and lot of DONT YOU KOW WHAT BLUEFLAG MENS?!? btw beeing under blueflag for like say 30sec should put you back into pit ;>
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I'm afraid the controller is irrelevent, and so is the car you drive. If you drive so close to another car that you're always bumping into them when entering into a corner, then you're driving too closely. It doesn't matter how you came to BE too close, you have to fix it so that it stops happening.

For the record, the bump/sorry/wait scenario has always been covered in the CTRA rules:-
SPORTING CODE 1. 2. Drivers who cause incident as a result of not establishing overlap, or by turning in on a car against whom they had no right, are expected to wait for the other car to pass them even if that involves losing several positions. Failing to do so may result in a license infringement.

Personaly i think there is a diffrent by Tapping and Bumping Tapping is due to person infron of you is driveing defensice and pump breaks so you dont know when to break with end up offen you lock tiers and tapp em by tapping i mean you dont push em of you dont make em slide you just toutch there bumper with out thy lose anything , only one loseing on it is you since you miss the players acceleration out of cornor and with that the draft that can creath lots of ppl doe this to Defend there place and its not very sporty same with swaying all over track and "making up a raceline thy own" comments.. but anyways this what not what i like to add to this topic

Could CTRA please add a funtion into the race that will Race is in progress let say 6 drivers are on Lap 2 / 6 a new play connect it offen locks like this, Player Vote Restart Player exit pit Player Ignore BlueFLag PLayer Crash... Why not make so Whill race in progress NO NEW player can enter race untile is over would put wreaking blueflag restart senarios down ALOT!
S2 licensed
From the Bugtest server Just a few min ago.
S2 licensed
Well i think showing the "bindkey" atleast show that the use know he did something bad, and for me personaly im on Mouse allways so i cant type and drive since that will make my steering goe into a pointer with dont steer that well so i Hope the CTRA's atleast check what kinda controll's there user had when reviewing a report.

Im my case i allways say after race but it happens i forget by to intens race 6-9 laps i can tend to forget a tapp on a lap 20min ago :/ or something like that hey im human after all
S2 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :We would be more than happy to sent you a copy of the notes that we, as UKCT admins, thought about the replays.

Fast replay Viper but main problem there is There is no info who is "judges" on page its nice that we can ask (SamH got mine out) and there is no info how mutch points you will lose by doing XXX thing i mean i heard ppl geting all from 1000 points to 200 points to in my case 5500 points for tapps / bumps and "race accidents" .. there most be some set rules and some clear line how ppl are judge so its not just a bad day mood that make some one go point lose crazy, and a way to counter talk the judgement only talking from my own case but i think loseing 5500 points is abit harsh for what i did compare to what i see everyday raceing and i raced alot on ctra servers uf1 mostly and that can be realy bumpy ride
S2 licensed
TO becky, the msg does not contain any real information, mine did not i whanted to know when i got reported by who what track time and replays and where i could counter replay to the case.
S2 licensed
I got set back over 5500 points for tapping some ppl... not bumping not makeing em slide of... just close raceing tapping since im mouse thy are wheel
i cant break as "nice" as thy can and thy know it and prebreak just to make me hit em... anyways il be back on gold soon enuff again did 30% today so i dont care that some ppl act childish thy get what thy deserve in the end anyways.. but i think the whould report system is abit flawed or need some work for example i only got a msg after i joined a new host after that i checked my licence to se i lost points did not know for what.. The one of admins should Send a mail to the user useing lfsworld and notife with replay and why and if you got anything to say where to replay.

(sorry for bad english i got dyslexi) :/
S2 licensed
Scawen, Can you please change the way skins are being downloaded when a New player connects it realy is killing the gameplay atm, Everytime a new player connect and exit pit the skin will start downloading and that Freezee up computer for 2-3sec with end up me slaming into a wall or someone or just get a hugh fram drop. suggest to give new connected players skins to be downaloaded after race is over or beffor next restart or just make sure thy cant exit pit untile race that is in progress is over with would be the best couse that would stop 60% of all wreaking.