I also got a free game with the wheel? Race something cant remeber the name did not have time to install it but it took them 4 days to get me my Wheel and 2 of them days where weekends so I dont have a bad word to say, and there cheaper than most places
I order my one from Pixmania last friday and its got there today If thats sucks well I must be illepall
Just got my one today Leather aswell only down side is it did have a USA Plug but I got it for cheaper than other places so buying a plug is no big deal I have adapters for US Plugs to UK any way
So I see you lot on there tonight
right time to design a skin for my FOX
I got my one for around 160 pounds and that includes P&P and buying a UK Plug
I have extracted the test patch into LFS and no luck im currently backing up all my files and then Im going to dual boot Vista Ultimate and Windows XP Home.
Im trying to unlock S2 from the demo version but every time I do so it says I cannot connect to the master server, I have turnt off the firewall compleatly.
and my bro can still use hes version on the other computer.