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S2 licensed
im one of the most polite people in all the world of LFS and it was after a race. he sent it to someone else; i think he just wanted to tighten my jaw... i shoulda told him to get a piece of fat and slide off
What is it with people who wont send setups
S2 licensed
I think its screwed up not to send people setups when they ask. Even worse is when you send the setups to some people and not others... whats up with that? I dont get it
S2 licensed
ok he cant write but his skins are decent... maybe hes rainman:slap:
S2 licensed
i randomly ended up on some message boards with british kids posting, they are always hilarious
I dare anyone to make this helmet!!!!
S2 licensed
I made Raul Boesel's 1993 Duracell Indycar skin... so I figured I would make the helmet. I found some pics of it and didnt think it would be too hard. Boy was I wrong. Basically its a dark blue helmet with two ribbons on it. The fun part is the ribbons are twisted, so one side is yellow and one side is red. The problem is wrapping it around the entire helmet and having it align. I tried doing it and I gave up on the top ribbon, I only made it go around the front and sides, and then I was about to kill myself

I never made a helmet skin before, so many one of you pro's would like a challenge

If anyone can make this helmet I will be grateful!!!!!!

Attached is two shots and my feeble attempt.... the ribbons are supposed to go all the way around... i think its impossible to recreate

plus the twist is reversed on the bottom ribbon
S2 licensed
but isnt there damage anyway?

i actually have a broken xbox, the power supply light turns red after a minute... so maybe i just need to "acquire" a new power supply
S2 licensed
Quote from MaximUK :Not quite what I have now as I have replaced the top of the "table" with one capable of taking all 3 monitors and repalced the middle monitor. I now have 3x 19" screens. In the picture the left screen is a 17" screen although I didn't really notice when racing. Using SoftTHG I can now more my original 22" widescreen back into the mix but I haven't gotten around to it yet. The desk is also has a bit more mess on it

My motherboard is actually an AMD crossfire board running nVidia cards. You should be able to use any SLI or crossfire board ok. I never managed to get an ATI and nVidia card running together though but not sure if that is because it isn't possible or it was too much for my knowledge.


OMG... your LWFF still works ?! :jawdrop::wow:
S2 licensed
i dont want jpg, i want eps, but i found it anyway. i guess this is another logo site (are there any more?)
What happened to the Marlboro logos on
S2 licensed
When I search for Marlboro nothing comes up anymore... does anyone know why theyre gone? Maybe if someone still has the eps files we can post them here (or somewhere)? They're kind of useful
S2 licensed
go to and install their driver
S2 licensed
i cant tell exactly what is wrong but it sounds like one of your video driver settings is wrong, maybe its set to portrait instead of landscape or rotated or something like that

it has to be more than his LCD cause he took screenshots of the problem, maybe the driver is scaling the pic
What do u think of Forza Motorsport 2
S2 licensed
I dont have a 360 but I just saw a video review of Forza Motorsport 2 and it looks freakin awesome.... I love LFS but that game looks hard to resist... what do u think of it... i just feel bad that LFS might get jealous... plus driving with a gamepad will feel so dirty
S2 licensed
sponge u just broke the rules
S2 licensed
Quote from James Montgomery :I like that skin, it reminds me of a classic game "Indy Car" (1994 im talking about) i remember that skin well and that looks spot on,

good work

i was wondering why the hell it felt so familiar, i still have that game and its what got me addicted to race sims... even though it wouldnt run on my 286!!!

S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :The real car is a much deeper yellow. Don't be fooled by pale old photos, the yellow was actually pretty vivid on the real car. Perhaps you wanted it to suit your own preference, so don't mind me

how bout this
S2 licensed
menage a trois
S2 licensed
i made raul boesel's 1993-94 indycar
S2 licensed
i like french toast
Does anyone know a good website with pictures of Indycars (CART)
S2 licensed
I want to make some early 90s Indycar skins... where can I find some good pictures?
S2 licensed
listen to "Highway Star" by Deep Purple it makes u go faster... its gonna get me a speeding ticket cause when the keyboard and guitar solos come on i smash the gas pedal
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :They should setup a street course in Washington DC. It would make sense to have the US Gran Prix at the capitol, wouldn't it?

yea then when no one is looking someone will steal all the cars' rims
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
mutt is a hacker now
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
was the guy who took you out the one that went nuts and screamed and yelled as he stormed out of there (the owner cut his power as a penalty)? (or was that you )

anyway its pretty cool that you play LFS too, i'll see you on both tracks

i cant believe i sucked so bad though... and so many rednecks

P.S. i found the link to be able to see your scores (the one on the printouts doesnt work)