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S3 licensed
so what was it before if it wasnt an automotive facility?! haha
S3 licensed
Because if there is one thing rich people like to do is get richer!
S3 licensed
The optimist in me agrees with you on that, but the cynic in me knows that what would be much more profitable is a load of lease hold houses built on all that land!

I am still rather confused, however, as to why there is no mention of any of this on the rockingham website news page, but is on their facebook page. They have said it has been sold but there is lot's of third party related speculation flying around.
S3 licensed
I have literally just bought S3 because I wanted to learn a real track with the possibility of doing a track day there, then 1 day later they announce it is bloody closing. To say I'm a bit pissed off is an understatement. I am however glad that my money is going into developing LFS. Hopefully LFS will introduce more real tracks because it is still the best racing 'sim' I've tried!
S3 licensed
I am now 100% certain it is a bug of some sort

EDIT: ok, this is bloomin confusing :s it is doing it on version y, i'll try x

Only thing i can think of now is the master server :S

2ND EDIT: This is very strange :s now it is not working on X

Just had someone join my X server successfully, then get timed out...

3RD EDIT: Ok, I think I know what it is, basically, if you are connecting through the same external ip address you need to go through the LAN setting, it never used to be like this though.
Last edited by vane, .
S3 licensed
I can confirm it is on 0.5z patch aswell
S3 licensed
I do remember there was another random port i had to open and it miraculously work, may have been another program though

Didn't help me either
Last edited by vane, .
S3 licensed
Well I have been able to host before z patch
LFS hosting 'New Guest timed out' 'Did not receive track info' BUG!
S3 licensed
I posted a thread in the technical assistance but soon found out someone else had exactly the same problem, so i thought i would post it in this forum.
S3 licensed
I'm almost certain it is a bug in LFS as I have forwarded the hell outta them mofos (ports)

One more point, it does not say that the password is incorrect when doing it over the internet, whereas over the Lan it will.

EDIT: oh and on the port checker, if you do the TCP one, if you check it, it will say something, if you do it again, it will do the opposite, very strange
Last edited by vane, .
Ever since 0.5z S2, I havent been able to host
S3 licensed
And before you link me to the angry angel thread, I have done the port forwarding but when I try and connect on my own network through the internet to the server, I get on the client side, did not receive track info and on the server side I get new guest timed out.

Over LAN it works fully.

Can anyone help me?
S3 licensed
Ever since I have had patch Z, in the client trying to connect it says "did not receive track info" but on the server it says new guest timed out.

I have gone through all the port stuff but I still can't connect through the internet protocol, I can connect over LAN and it is visible on

Can anyone help me?

S3 licensed
Psst, I know my brother's racer password
S3 licensed
Hmm, i think it would be simpler and less unlock greedy to just mess around on demo while there.

Off topic, i got a college mate addicted enough to buy an S2 license + a G25 when he reaches his payday and about 5 of us were doing hotlapping sessions as a group at the back of the class
S3 licensed
How much data is sent? i think there is a 25mb limit on GPRS on virgin before they start charging loadsa money

Edit: Just thinking, i would have to individually unlock all computers on the college network i go on otherwise it would just lock them :s
Last edited by vane, .
S3 licensed
Pay monthly? I'd rather not.
Unlocking S2 without master server
S3 licensed
The network at my college blocks the master server. I have LFS installed on my memory stick but it only shows it is unlocked on the computer i unlocked it on until the memory stick is removed. i was under the impression there was a file with the information in that told lfs i have an S2 account, somewhere in the files.

Also when lan'ing, all the other computers do is time out, we have no access to firewalls or anything like that.
S3 licensed
Did you get my PM?
S3 licensed
Also you Aussies drive on the correct side of the road so the shifter goes on the left!
S3 licensed
What kind of thickness of MDF were you thinking about?

Can you make a summary of all the specs outlined in previous posts e.g dimensions of the Wheel and accessories wanted.

Being a budding engineer this seems like the perfect project to do and possibly something to put on my letter of recommendation for going to uni!

Also, would it not be more prudent to have the prize just £36 as opposed to a voucher?
Last edited by vane, .
S3 licensed
Can i use the Math.Round() to round it to an integer?

EDIT: also do i need to do the difference or would heading minus direction work? only when i get the generic angle number and divide by 182.0444... to get it into degrees, at one point i actually get -330 degrees.
Last edited by vane, .
S3 licensed
Hang on a sec, i swear my insim.txt doesn't have direction, either that or I'm blind lol my bad

Ok forget i ever made this thread

ill go sit in the corner
S3 licensed
No i was thinking of insim
Drift Angle algorithm help
S3 licensed
I have been attempting to work out an algorithm for working out the drift angle but have as of yet been unsuccessful working it out. I have a vague idea that the angular velocity and heading come into it at some point but i think my brain is going weird :s

I couldn't see myself doing coding as a job

any help would be greatly appreciated!
S3 licensed
yep! originally i did it, then tested it and it didn't work so i quickly changed it!