I am driving IRL for 17 years now.
I am faster on the wheels view, but i only drive LFS in cockpit view. Always takes some time getting used to, but for MY eyes it's worth it. The reason is simply the immersion factor - i'm also faster with the paddles, but drive only with the H shifter, and have all help features like automatic clutch always off.
Why? Cause of the immersion factor. That's how i get the best experience out of the game, and i really don't care if i'm slower or not.
And i really think that people do participate in online races for the experience, no matter what view they use. So i'll just back the suggestion that (oups dont remember the name and really dont remember in which of the 100 threads about FCV it was) had, for server admins to have the option to Force whichever view they prefer. That beeing cockpit, chace, wheel or whatever