Hi, have been reading for the last hour and a half, seen how long it take to prepare such a huge race, im preety interested in joining this. I will probably get friends over to swap drivers as one of you said. Allso i will swap drivers online, i currently dont know of thats allowed to swap online and IRL, i got a racing chair comming soon to my place. I allready own a g25 and ive hooked up a car's dashboard to the PC is starting to get working, i got the speedo and the torque working but not yet the turbo. I find the programs the chips and gets the money for the parts. My freind is in University and becomming a electrician(hes a REAL pc nerd) so he creates the circuit-boards that opperate the dashboard. Im on this project to build a very realy car simulator in my living room. So if there will be a mounth(ish) date of this i can figure out if i get this thing done before the 24h race starts. It whould realy be a cool experience driving this with the car simulator(irl) up running. I got no problem catching up a team on 6 people. How many is allowed to drive? If 6 it whould have a shift on 4 hours for each driver.
Well Lets just hope for a some info about this, alteast Mounth"ish".
I know its a hard request, so dont kill me for asking.
-Equil out-