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77/ramla/Visa Lehtimäki/Finland/Dynamix Racing
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So I ended up trying what the LXC car feels like and discovered that DaveW's set handles like a sack of potatoes. To not deter more people from LXC, I've attached my own base I made while driving on Cargame. Set is for BL1R and I drove a 1:21:80 with it.

On another note, I like how LXC restrictions bring the option to balance the car with ballast positioning. Another observation was that the 6% intake restriction takes the murderous edge off LX6, yet it doesn't feel lame like the entry level engined LX4. I like.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ramla :I want to schedule this thing in my calendar. Giev!

Pretty please!
S2 licensed
Some quality games discussion here!

On PC I mostly just play Dota2 and LFS. I play on android a lot when I'm not sitting on the computer though, and since it's hard to find good android software/games, here's some you'll want to consider. If you know of any gems that I didn't mention, please post.

I play on Samsung Galaxy S2. Out of these only Osmos makes my phone warm up a bit while playing these games. The others will likely perform well with a slower phone too. First the free ones:

Zookeeper Battle
Traffic Panic
Prepare to pay a pound or two if you get hooked up on explosions
Winter Walk
Sudoku 10'000 by 1gravity
Best sudoku app I've found so far. If you like Simple Sudoku on the PC, this is what you want.
Netwalk with hex grid and nice looking graphics. Just try it.

Then there are some you might want to pay for.

Demo linked for you, won't do a sales pitch
Demo linked again. This one is not a game for those 2 minutes you have nothing to do waiting for the train. It's more for the 100 mile train ride when you want a nice little slow-action realtime puzzle game. Bring headphones for great soundtrack.
Flight Control
Demo. Do not accept cheap copies, NAMCO Bandai is the one.
Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery
This one's an art game tbh. It's like an interactive fairytale with great visuals and soundtrack. See trailer.
Another World
A game in great art style and atmosphere, but this one is actually hard in difficulty like the original in 1991. Some puzzle, some action. No language barrier at all.
Plants vs Zombies
PC casual classic on android.
Super Hexagon
This is the gem of all mobile games. Fantastic art style, awesome soundtrack that works perfect even on phone speaker, simple controls, addictive but not in the way that you would play it 30 minutes straight. In fact, your first game will probably last about 3-5 seconds. My best is still under 40 seconds in the easiest difficulty.
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What is this.
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Quote from Franky.S :whole team voting to kick niki

Don't put words into my mouth. I wish good luck to Niki and might be the only person who genuinely does so in this thread. Even with his temperament and poor judgement in public behaviour he was honest to his teammates and I liked having him to train and race with.
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#07 and #63 Ixion for round 5
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Quote from dekojester :not my fault

As the guy doing the communication with in-race driver of our car I have other things to keep track of than the flood in the channel. I assume you didn't even read it unless you got highlighted as you had more important stuff as well, so you don't really even know. I imagine F1 team roadies don't broadcast their thoughts on the race on the same frequency as the teams and race organizers and marshals or whatever they're called, pardon my finglish. However, the broadcasters have time to watch ten monitors, listen to radio feeds and hear comments from personnel on the pitlane, they are really in no hurry to see everything in one feed. This should be no exception in esports.

I expected to idle on a channel and if I saw any kind of activity, it would be relevant to at least one team. As it were, one out of maybe 50 lines was relevant to a team.

If I knew what I was facing when I was asked for IRC duty I would have suggested ixion to have a whole IRC crew online at any time. Really, you need to fix this shit for future events.
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Quote from Hahmo :I understand having the meal part and so on, but it was 20+ minutes that deko was looking for your representative, and within that 20 minutes you had already taken me out - -

I don't know when this happened, but I was the irc rep most of the time. At first I thought I was in the wrong channel because it was just flooding with chitchat and unimportant commentary. It was very hard to filter important messages from all the bs. At first I didn't have team tag in my nick but my teammates soon suggested to correct my wrong. I wasn't pm'd or highlighted on channel about lag or the penalty for lag contact, so if irc was used to communicate this stuff, organizers are at fault for allowing irrelevant commentary and some childish arguing to flood out all the important stuff. Get a dedicated and moderated channel next time, keep #ndr for offtopic please.
S2 licensed
I want to schedule this thing in my calendar. Giev!
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Quote from :

Jesus, how can a password be too long? Scawen...
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I bought a month of 16 slot server. I can start or restart it, it gives me a pid, but when I refresh the status page a second later it shows me pid 0 which I assume means it has crashed. Server is not found on master server. I only set basic settings like admin pass, pass, visibility on master server etc, I didn't touch ports or upload any files.
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S2 licensed
Quote from Franky.S ::lovies3d:

:twirl: You got a lot of work to be done teaching me to drive anything that comes with slicks. Feels good to be posting in this tread!
S2 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :

So this is only about system clock updating on cargame server and WINE handling it badly? It felt really ugly clientside. With sound looping and all. :<
(J)OOS at connect
S2 licensed
So here's another. I connected to cargame server, everything loaded so that I saw the grid waiting for start and immediately got disconnected. Unfortunately I don't remember what the client's error message was, but IIRC it was OOS and a lot of bonus red letter acronyms. Host replay seems to say just JOOS. I reconnect immediately (if not automatically? dunno, I furiously clicked around with mouse after disconnection) and everything is fine from that point on.

host replay:
HOST : TIMER BOUNDED - serious desync [not a bug]
S2 licensed
So I was driving along and 2nd lap back straight my lag bar starts to rise. When I get past the finish line my car freezes in place and sound starts looping. I think that is also when the game said HOST : TIMER BOUNDED for me. This has happened by the time I say "uh wow" in chat. I wonder for a while, then I save replay, and when I press enter to save my car unfreezes and I go flying into grass. I got spectated by host for being in a disallowed zone. ":---O" is probably in sync again in host replay. I proceed to finish race quickly in LX6 to get the host replay from cargame.

Need anything else?
Rake - what should I know?
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I believe I have a fairly good understanding of suspension variables and their effects on handling, but I'm still a little lost with rake. I've been searching for knowledge on the internets but found nothing that would really explain it to me.

Here's what I think I know:

- Rake affects ground effect in real life but not in LFS, although even in LFS downforce and drag is slightly changed due to a wing's angle of attack relative to air flow - if the car has wings.

- Rake affects center of gravity of the car, but from what I've read, very little. LFS doesn't take this into account in weight distribution under info tab, but change can be seen in forces view. In an LX4 it seems like half tank of petrol has about as much effect in the yellow force indicators as changing rear ride height from minimum to maximum in a semi stiff setup. In weight distribution half tank of petrol is 1.3 percentage points.

- When rake is increased, some weight shifts to front, but also the CoG (or center of mass?) on the front axle is lowered relative to rear, decreasing roll in front. I assume this is the most important reason for differences in handling between different rakes in LFS.

I wish to be corrected if I'm wrong, and told if there is something else to consider.
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Who likes peanuts anyway. Cashew, pecan and para nuts for example taste so much better.
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Quote from GP4Flo :For an experienced driver such a test wouldn't take long, around 1-5 mins for each car--

I have to disagree on that. If you're obsessed getting the PRO-ratings it might take several hours, at least when you're tired. I'll even testify to that.
S2 licensed
Judging from the screenshot your replay is mpr and therefore you cannot see the flatspot as mpr doesn't save all tyre sectors, only an average of the temps from all sectors. If you had flatspotted in hotlap mode, your replay would have shown the flatspot and numeric tyre temps as well.