I think some may be misunderstanding the purpose of a "TEST Patch"...
What it is:
A development tool used near the end of a project phase so that developers can crowdsource the user base for feedback regarding bugs, exploits, etc.
What it is not:
A sneak preview so that the players can get an early look at new content.
It's understandable considering the end user's point of view that some might not make this distinction but there you have it.
Lately, logging into these forums is the first thing I do when I get home from work. I can't recall the last time I was this excited about a video game. Reading new posts from the developers never fails to put a big smile on my face. Thanks Scawen, Eric, Victor!
I've noticed the same thing with v0.6F, Win7Pro 64bit.
Scrolling downward works without problems but upscrolls are often not registered. At first, I thought my mouse wasn't working properly but, I'm not having issues with any other software.
I just bought S1 after playing the demo off and on again for a while, and I'm happy to say that I am very pleased with my purchase. I was shocked at how much more fun the S1 cars and tracks seemed when compared to the demo lineup. I enjoyed the demo, but wow, I love the South City courses!