Sounds like you've got the info you need, but just to recap.
Yes you can run Windows on any Intel powered Mac (all new ones are). If you haven't bought it yet, you'll be fine. All the new ones come with MacOS 10.5 (Leopard). What you do is operate a utility program (Bootcamp) which sets the hard drive up with a second partition onto which you install windows (XP Pro recommended, rather than Vista). You can then start it up as either a Mac or a Windows machine. You have to have a legitimate copy of Windows, single installer disc, service pack 2. I've tried it on a MacBook Pro and it's a breeze (actually works better than any PC I've ever tried!!). It even creates Windows drivers for all the Mac hardware, graphics cards etc. You then just install LFS and treat it as a Windows machine. You have to restart to turn it back into a Mac, and vise versa. I get frame rates of over 100 easily. It's obviously cheaper with Bootcamp, as the software is bundled - you just have to buy Windows. It all depends whether you mind having to reboot to switch between the two. Have fun!
I've had pretty good results using your Easy Race setups and can't wait for the revised versions. Could you give me a quick pointer as to where I should start looking to get the LX6 to turn in a bit quicker without the back end becoming unstable.
A nice small V8 like the Radical twin Hyabusa and slicks would be amazing. True you'd have to be very careful with the throttle all the time. I'm just having great fun with the LX6 on AS North at the moment. Brilliant car. Definitely worth a race class all to itself.
OK, OK! I meant small for an American V8 The Rover engine was definitely small and also borrowed from Buick, so that counts. The DFV, Ferraris and the twin-bike V8s dont as they're flat-plane cranks that sound like a pair of fours, although they could be an interesting alternative. More the merrier!
I was thinking of the Panoz GT2 car (as in the vid). It is quite small compared to the Corvette and Saleen monsters. Has quad overhead cams (which is a bit un-American! ), but uses a cross-plane crank so makes all the right noises. It's power output should suit the GTR category perfectly, being around 500hp.
BTW, my Mini isn't even a Cooper (apart from the alloys!), just a plain vanilla 998.
Well I tried the Biernot setting and got down to a string of low 1:43s, with a 45 best T1; definitely some improvement then. And the tyres lasted 10 laps. I wound the braking down to 1650/64 and that seemed to help a lot – I was locking up all over with the original figures; probably because I can't bring myself to use aggressive downshifting to it's full barbaric extent. Just listen to that poor abused transmission! I'll have a go at some of Cargo's settings to see what they do for me, and maybe even try to photoshop that Flying Lizards skin if I get the time. Thanks again for the help guys. See you online sometime.
Thanks for the settings and tips guys. that'll keep me amused this weekend. I'll let you know how I get on. Can't wait to see the Flying Lizards skin. Is it the LeMans special or the regular ALMS version?
Could someone please post some good AS3 race setups for me to try out (if that's not being too cheeky). Or point me in the right direction. I've tried the ones on Inferno, but they all seem to be really low pressures and massive camber that fries the tyres after a couple of laps. I've hit a plateau at around 1:44 with my current one; an adaptation of the Easy Race Low Downforce setting. Best ever was a 1:43.6, with a 45.5 T1. Not sure where I'm going wrong. Any help greatfully received.
Saw the post, had a look and did a 1:44.15 this morning (single player, FZR). Had a go on the server and best was a 46 something I think. Nice clean racing, so thanks.
BTW what tyres would you guys use on an FZR for a ten lap race, R2s?
If you look for videos on youtube or google, it actually seems noisier. Most comments I've read on racing forums would also support this. But hey, we're talking about a virtual world, so we can make it sound how we like. Did I mention a V12 non-turbo petrol?
As has been mentioned above, you need to get your eye in. It's a bit of a transition from a three dimensional world to a two-dimensional display (even if the graphics are 3D). At first LFS does look 'slow' compared with real life, but you need to learn the limits. I find turning the skid volume up to max helps you judge the limit of grip, and adjusting the field-of-view setting can also change your perception of speed. I must admit though, I do find the grass ridiculously slippy in places. But rest assured, the actual driving physics of the cars are as realistic as you'll find on any simulator at the moment. Enjoy!
No, please, no! Not the Audi R10. I don't like diesel truck racing! Shouldn't be too much of a strain for the LFS sound engine though!!!!! How about the Peugeot, at least it sounds like a proper car and would satisfy the roof fans.
Mind you, having a closed proto would only be really worth it with rain, darkness and useless wipers!
Well I certainly wouldn't argue with some of items on your list, by why on earth would you want to drive someting that handles badly and is inherently horrible to drive? It might be fun for five minutes, but given the choice you'd soon be back on the cars that reward your input. As you say it certainly isn't a priority. Maybe one day when LFS becomes the game it deserves to be, then the physics could be applied to other games too, but please not until then (I don't think there's any real danger of that, by the way! ).