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S2 licensed
I take it you have all read the terms and conditions properly.

This was quite interesting. ... google_chrome_eula_sucks/

Wont be using it quite yet.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed

I had a go at making a Windows screensaver. I noticed that the CMX car models format was available, so I adapted a screensaver I had previously made to read them.

It uses the files from the CMX Viewer S2S, so you will need to point it at that so it had a car and textures to display.

Sorry in advance for the people who it doesn’t work for.

S2 licensed
Quote from Marty502 :How tall is he, really? 5'6 or shorter?

He is meant to be 5'7 ( 1.7m) according to this . Probably about 5.3 now though
S2 licensed
bah that makes me feel old, and the 7th april next year is ages away
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Here you go, that elsewhere is a mighty big place, kinda reminds me of this
S2 licensed
Concratulations Italy. I think (and I might be wrong) that is 4 world cup wins and that makes Italy the most scuccessfull Euro team.
S2 licensed
Perhpas they could fit his steering wheel with a shift+R button
S2 licensed
When I was taught to drive, my driving instructor told me the reason that you use your right foot on both the accelerator pedal and the brake pedal was so that you didnt push them both at the same time. However when I took my advanded driving test that taught me to do that on occasions, such as driving through a ford , to keep the brakes functional.

As for driving while using a mobile phone, is that legal ? Here its an offence to use a mobile when driving .

Oh as for driving games, I used to brake and accelerate both with my left foot. Probably down to being left handed, although I do now a foot on each pedal
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
If you are interested check this out

its the original quake source. Its not that complicated, a bit messy though. If you can understand this code that you probably could make a game, given time. However if this is hard, you might want to look at making a mod for an exsisting game. You get ther personalised feel with a quater of the effort
S2 licensed
Without trying to offent, you could look at the Welsh. There are quite a few there that never were taught the Welsh language and only know English.
S2 licensed
Brazil V Germany seems like a safer bet to me, home advantage and all
Petrol Prices
S2 licensed
I thought this would be a good place to ask, what with all the petrolheads.

I just filled up my car with petrol at £0.88 a litre, thats €1.29 a litre or 1.54 USD.

I was curious to how this compares to other countries. I am almost afraid to find out how cheap it is in America these days, more or less free as I understand

edit: oh btw 1 litre = 0.26 u.s gallons ( i think)
S2 licensed
I found churchill the cheapest for my insurance needs, plus you get a discount on that nodding dog . There are some things you could do to get insurance down.

You could keep the car in a locked garage rather than on the street.
You could get a certified alarm and/or mobiliser fitted.
You could move to the suburbs where the postcode would no doubt be a cheaper postcode.
You could promise to only driver for social and domestic pleasure and only on the weekend.

All of that sort of stuff helps
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Perhaps some australian forum-member lives near Perth and will drive there to see wether it's a static object?


they did this allready ... 5/flying_car_launch_site/
S2 licensed
Whats is NCAA ? and what is NBA ? Come to think of it, Basketball ?? nobody here plays that, too much like netball which is a bit of a girls sport. My old university had a football team. If America took up football, could get some games of that going.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :um.. do we have anyone even from louisiana? not sure.. (guess we wont really know either ) bad gas prices just blew up.. some people were "illegally" pricing gas at 6$ a gallon!

owell.. least the traffic sure did change today lol! made life sooo much easier

hmm, U.S dont know how cheap petrol is. By my calculations,

British price for petrol £0.90 per litre,
That is £3.411 per us gallon
Convert that into dollars,
3.411 GBP United Kingdom Pounds = 6.24735 USD United States Dollars or
3.411 GBP United Kingdom Pounds = 5.00660 EUR Euro

Well, I will have some of this $6 a gallon gas if its going, might save a bit of cash
S2 licensed
As someone who has hit a wrecker and been baned from a server by the guy who then drove into me, I would agree something to stop wreckers would be a good idea.

Could some sort of credability rating be introduced based on distance ? Each mile/km on a clean lap could be totaled and when greater than some well thought up distance level, the player gains a point of credability. This wouldn't hurt the slower but clean racers but I would imagine it would hurt the wreckers, I dont think they would be so likly to have clocked up the laps.
S2 licensed
All good advice, but what does the 101 mean
S2 licensed
Bobs right you know. Attached are some screenies, the narrow and wide show the same fov but narrow is 3:4 and wide is 16:9 . The pylon out the right side window is both times on the edge of the screen. Clearly LFS handles the wide screen by stretching the image without adjsuting the fov.

If I bump up the fov from 90 to 100, you get the 100fov attachment, its at 16:9 but show extra info at the sides, the pylon isnt at the edge anymore. The narrow pic fits nicly (more or less) ontop and I think this i the desired result .
S2 licensed
You need to goto the screen settings page and click the box marked "non square modes". You will then get a few more wide aspect settings.

I know it works, I run at 1680 * 1050
Last edited by Ant, .