I have to find another wallpaper. I don't think it fits well with the theme and I couldn't be bothered to find a good one since this was a 5 minute job last night, lol. Reinstalled W7 and was using default theme/background for a while
Theme: Placebo for Windows 7
Icons: ecqlipse 2
Also like 5 different rainmeter themes used together, lol.
lol I'm not. Those are straight from LFS. No editing in PS what so ever.
Edit: These snaps are full sized straight from LFS with ENB on and off. If you still don't believe I haven't used PS then that is your fault but I can tell you I haven't.
Yes the last one is drifting and it doesn't belong here blah blah but it is just to prove a point. The ENB settings I use look utter shit on BL and FE since I haven't made any dark track textures. Bright/normal textures are to bright.
I'd keep it as well. That's a pretty decent gaming rig, and like Dadge said you'll only get a couple hundred for it. Then once you finish college and wanna build another one you'd have to spend another decent amount. Just keep it and enjoy it while you can