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Shift-C probably solves it
S2 licensed
When I started the game today, the FFB strength reacted was fine when moving the slider. I guess it really has something to do with controls not reinitializing right. I've noted the Shift-C shortcut in case it happens again.

Also, thank you for the heads-up about caster, I know that setting can have an effect on the feeling I get from the car but, but that feeling should still be reduced when I pull the strength slider to the left :P
FFB strength not always taken into account it seems
S2 licensed
I realised something strange tonight, not sure if it was there before patch X. I had my FFB strength to about 25% and it seemed ok in the FOX and UF1 but I felt it way to strong in the FRR. I turned it down and down until it was set to 0 but it was still too strong. I pulled the slider all the way to 100 and 200% and yet no changes. Is that setting ignored in the GT cars or is this a bug with my setup? My wheel is a Logitech G25 running with the Profiler.

Thanks in advance!
I turn off random breakdowns
S2 licensed
In every game I played up to now, I've turned off all the "random breakdowns" offered as I feel the computer / monitor / wheel / cheap desk environment offers enough random problems on it's own to compensate for the lack of random problems in the game.

On the other hand, I would love to see wear implemeted, especially for the street cars. Boiling hot brakes have always been an issue in sedan racing, it's a decisive factor in a lot of GT and Touring races I've come to watch and would be a great addition to LFS!
I voted no
S2 licensed
I voted no, but, the question is formulated weirdly. Obviously I'm pleased with the game since I bought it and race almost daily, BUT, I'd really love to have real cars and tracks to drive them on.

For me, part of the fun of these racing sims is driving the layouts and cars I'm gonna watch the following week-end on tv, learning the cars and the tracks to appreciate them more once you see the pros doing it!

For now, I'm going back and forth from rFactor for the content and LFS for the sheer fun of driving!
Many types of blue flags...
S2 licensed
There are many types and meanings for blue flags.

Taken from the Wikipedia article :
The blue flag

A light blue flag, sometimes with a diagonal orange or yellow stripe, informs a driver that a faster car is approaching and that the driver should move aside to allow one or more faster cars to pass. If the flag is waved, it indicates to the driver that the fast car is on its tail. In most series, the blue flag is not mandatory; that is, drivers obey it only as a courtesy to their fellow racers. In Formula One (in which the blue is lighter and does not have a stripe), if the driver about to be lapped ignores three waved blue flags in a row, he is required to make a drive-through penalty. In Champ Car, this can be upgraded. A pair of waving blue flags displayed from the starter's stand, known as the Chief Steward's blue flag, order a driver to give way to faster traffic or be black-flagged.

No wonder there's confusion on the LFS server about how to act when showed one!
S2 licensed
Also, if you're running the slower "sedan" cars, you can add passengers to your car, with 2 or 3 of them I have a very good fight with the AI at Blackwood.

(Or maybe I'm still to slow LOL)
S2 licensed
Speed is not the only issue here too. I drove a lot of races in STCC servers where my lap times were 1 or 2 seconds per lap slower than people around me but they kept crashing, hitting grass etc. which allowed me to score points up to my silver licence and even some victories once in a while
I just might ;-)
S2 licensed
Yep, I knew about the STCC, I was able to get my silver licence but I was still a loooong way from the championship series (I'm not that fast a driver for now anyways) before it kinda collapsed last week.

It crossed my mind to start my own league, but for now I don't have sufficient bandwidth do host a full grid of cars, merely 6 or 7. That's why I was asking if there was any interest in some weekly informal meetings, just for the fun of running these cars bumper to bumper
FXO sprints league?
S2 licensed
I've searched a bit around and haven't found anything near that : is there any league running an FXO only series? Think it might be fun to have some short 20-some minute races on the shorter tracks, maybe even double races at each meeting reversing the grid in second run to give it a more "touring" feel

Anything close to that I have missed or people interested in weekly meetings to do such races in an informal way?

Thanks alot!
S2 licensed
Ok, thanks for the answers guys. I guess I must agree with the strategy the devs have in place. They've been doing this for a couple of years, are still in business and have been producing some great stuff :-D

See ya on the track!
LFS engine licensed to a real racing series?
S2 licensed
I've searched the forums a bit and haven't found anything on that topic. After an intensive week or 2 of LFS, I went back to rFactor to race with my brothers this week-end and it hit me :

Why hasn't any company bought the LFS game engine to produce a game based on a real racing series?

I know LFS is still in beta stages but it feels a lot more polished than rFactor but yet, ISI sold their engine for a WTCC and a GTR game. Will there be some day a DTM or BTCC (one can dream ) game with real cars and real tracks using the LFS simulation engine?

Any links to previous discussions would also be appreciated, I only found threads about people asking for more real cars in LFS, not another game based on the engine...
S2 licensed
This is great!

3 little questions :

#1 : Is the layout of the actual oval track precise? Might be fun to run this online with the FXR, kinda like the Sport Compact that run there :-P

I was crewing for a Sportsman team that practiced there this saturday and man, this look so small in the game LOL

#2 : Was that a Solo event (asphalt) or an actual rallycross?

#3 : Any pointers to other real QC layouts?

Finally, thanks alot, great fun!
Remove cars per host limit
S2 licensed
It would be nice to remove the "3 cars per host limit", maybe just warning when going over that limit. We use LFS to play on a lan here and, most of the time we're only 2 or 3 people in the race so having AI to bang against is quite useful to get some action. I understand doing that over the internet might be a bad idea but I don't think the limit should held when playing on a lan.

I tried to replace the number in my config file but it got overwritten to 3 once in the game

Thanks alot, great game by the way. It had been a long while since I bought my last racing game...
Haven't explained right I think
S2 licensed
Thanks guys but I think I haven't explained my needs correctly. I'm already painting in the layer below the wireframe. What I wanted was to paint precisely some adjacent polygons to follow a shape. I'd choose the wireframe layer, use the magic wand to select the polygon areas I wished to paint and then choose my other layer and go to edit -> fill to paint it. I'm only seeking a way to quickly select the little space in my selection left by the polygon line itself as it isn't picked by the magic wand

Does that make more sense?
Wireframe selection in Photoshop?
S2 licensed
Well, I managed to paint my first skin yesterday but I'm still in the steep learning curve in photoshop. I'd like to know what tools you guys use to select and paint-over the wireframes included in the templates. I was using the magic wand and then the "fill" option but I was left with the wireframe line unpainted when I selected multiple polygones at once. Is there a way to merge non-adjacent selections to fill the little gap left by the wireframe itself?

Hope this is clear, it's kinda hard to describe photoshop issues on a forum!

Thanks in advance!
Seem solved
S2 licensed
Well, if anyone tries to run that game on a Toshiba Satellite laptop, here's what seem to have fix the issue (well, at least, I ran the game for 4 hours yesterday without a slowdown)

I installed NHC to monitor temperatures. At first things were getting a bit in the yellow zone despite the 12 ms sleep delay. So, I used the settings suggested in that post to get a decent framerate without pushing the CPU (capped it at 35 FPS). CPU was now staying green all the time without the need for sleep delay but crashes still occured so I figured CPU temps were not the reason for the crashes.

I pulled the "Graphic" tab in NHC, slid the acceleration slider to 50% and the thing never freezed again

Hope this can help someone else too...
CPU Temps check
S2 licensed
I'll check the CPU temps next time I play. I thought I had solved the issue with the sleep delay because my CPU was topping at most at 75%, still had some idle time to "cool down" here and there LOL

I posted the error offset here because I thought it might give some pointers about exactly what was going wrong (physics, graphics, sound, network whatnot) and help solve the issue

I just hate that laptops because of these overheating troubles.
Mode button
S2 licensed
I also have that gamepad and when these things happened to me, I had hit the "Mode" button on the controller, which does just that (Switch from d-pad to the joystick) You'll know if it's what happens to you because the little red light shows on when the mode is switched
Games freezes
S2 licensed
Hi guys,

I've been trying this game on and off for more than a year. It is a lot of fun but I get some random freezes which I'd like to have some help on. On most freezes, the image just stops at a specific frame while the sound loops.

Yesterday, instead of just freezing, it crash with the Windows Dr Watson tool popping with an error at offset 0140000d. Could you guys help me pinpoint a specific option (if any) I could turn off to eliminate these crashes?

P.S. I deactivated vertical shadin and I turned minimum sleep to a higher value (like 12 ms) which seemed to help the issue but now the crashes are just most spaced apppart, they do still happen

Thanks in advance!