I don't think Oculus has mentioned the exact numbers but low persistence works by displaying each frame about 2-3ms and then switching the pixels off until the next frame.
So effectively, this means that at 75Hz you get about 10.3-11.3ms of complete darkness every frame. Your screen is black 77-85% of the time, which explains the lost brightness. It also requires a high refresh rate and 75Hz is probably close to the minimum. At 60Hz you would see strobing.
CV1 will have a 90Hz refresh rate which will bring those numbers down a little and should help with the lost brightness. This bothers me as well but I'd still pick the smoothness of low persistence over brightness any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
Well I guess you could do that but personally I'd love to see the in-game hands follow my own hands. Positioning the hands correctly, scaling, inverse kinematics and whatnot... Would be a pretty good challenge and that's assuming Leap's SDK gives reliable results, which isn't a given looking at their past offerings.
That was a joke though. While it makes no doubt in my mind this will be standard fare a few years from now, Scawen isn't going to spend weeks working on something all 3 of us might give a shit about.
There's been a lot of outcry on their Forums about that crap. Everybody understands the legal bullshit behind it but they've implemented it in the worst possible way.
Is Timewarp something you plan on looking into eventually?
It's implemented in the Unity SDK package and the C++ OculusWorldDemo but I honestly don't see much difference when toggling it on and off. On DK1 with the 0.3.2 SDK it was pretty noticeable but I guess that at 75Hz the latency reduction is less dramatic.
Scawen, if you're still working on VR enhancements could you please share your plans with us?
LFS has become my favorite VR experience by far and made me spend unhealthy amounts of money for my new driving sim obsession. I just ordered an RSeat RS1 cockpit and I'm considering upgrading my Fanatec Porshe Turbo S wheel to the CSW. I'm also looking at Buttkicker and Sim Vibe...
I've always liked driving sims and even the arcadey ones but this just brought my love for them to borderline insanity.
Stuff I'd like to see implemented:
Direct mode with the mirror window. I'm planning on demoing VR LFS to a bunch of friends and having the mirror window on my projector would be awesome.
Supersampling. The Oculus best practices guide suggests implementing this as well as anti-aliasing to remedy to the low apparent resolution. If you look at their demos you'll see that they render to a much larger framebuffer. I don't recall the exact resolution but it's much higher that 1920x1080.
Brightness boost for low persistence. I'm not sure this is even feasible but it would be great to get some of that sunlight back.
Complete mouse-less UI navigation. I've mapped the ESC and Enter keys to my wheel which helps a lot but you still need to use the mouse for a few things.
Not sure if it will be ready for CV1 but Oculus have said repeatedly that we need to have our hands part of the VR experience at some point. Everyone I have demoed the Rift to eventually tries to touch something. Even though we know it's not gonna work, our subconsciousness doesn't give a shit.
Yes I've noticed that as well. I thought it might have been my camera placement which is at an angle but I've placed it exactly as recommended and it didn't make any difference.
Like you said, it's not really apparent in gameplay but it's a little weird in the menus.
Like the title hinted at, I currently have a Fanatec porsche 911 turbo s wheel with the Clubsport pedals that I bought a while ago because it worked on both PC and Xbox 360.
Now it doesn't work on Xbox One because Microsoft, it's discontinued and after playing with it (With my Oculus DK2) for a few nights straight I think it doesn't feel all that great.
I'd like to know what you guys think would be a worthy upgrade?
The G27 is probably the most supported wheel out there and it's relatively cheap but does it really feel that much better than what I currently have?
The new Fanatec wheels cost $500 for the base and a few hundreds more for the wheel, so I think it's a little expensive, especially considering I haven't been that thrilled with my Fanatec wheel.