Thanks, good post. I believe that, in the end, its all matter of personal preferences, and thats ok!!! But I confess that I get pissed of when some people start to insult anyone who does not think EXACTLY as they do. What can I do... I'm against "fanboyism"
I will have to look at that game, if the physics are as good as in here I might find it appealing.
Thank you for a well reasoned post. I'm sure you didn't read one of my posts in which I say that I LOVE this game. It is the best I have found so far.
That said, I'm not married to it, nor is easy for me to become a fan (of anything man made, but that's beyond the reach of this thread). I like to ask for things the way I like them, and I like to argue with others about it.
In resume, I do love LFS but that doesn't mean I should like every bit of it nor that I should applaud blindly everything that the developers do with it.
The thing is that Shift+P could be avoided right now, so the fact that it is still there shows that, as much as anyone wants to believe it, there factors other than reality behind its design.
So, real objects can vanish leaving a void that it is instantly feed it with other particles like atmosphere. You must live in another dimension. None of the known physical laws of this universe would allow such a thing.
So... finally, the voice of reason. You are not as dumb as others have made you believe. Yes, it is a game, and its all about enjoyment. Thanks.
I'm astonished with your intelligence level, having to resort to childish tactics as changing my words. Now, I'm willing to believe that you capable to discuss at a rational level.
Read slowly. 10 pilots start a race. Their cars engines, tires, weight and other factors are simulated, acceleration, inertia and other forces are taken in to account to generate a positive experience for everyone.
At some point the leader looses its car and crash, its now in the center of the track and other pilots are coming fast.
IF this is a simulation, and so much care has taken in order to have a proper depiction of some of the variables involved... how come the crashed car can "disappear" from the track?
I want to think that you believe your own "itss a simuulaaatiooon duuudeeee" and also that you are perfectly capable of understanding that a car disappearing its not a realistic depiction of this reality.
And we are talking about THE SIMULATION, forget about the interface. My guess? it is ok with you because you are a fanboy.
I posted yesterday my conclusion, but couldn't miss this one. Nope, it is not just you, is everyone who has bought that idea about LFS being a simulator. Fortunately, some of us (and please do not include me in ANY particular group) can think for ourselves and have our own idea about what LFS is.
Physics simulation is just "good" when you compare it to other sim games, and thats about it. On the other hand, it is FULL of unrealistic characteristics, some of them so lame that they should not belong to it (IF we are talking about LFS B E I N G A S I M U L A T O R).
You could read the thread in more detail if you were interested, to read ARGUMENTS, not bitching (btw, you are the one bitching here, but Im leaving that aside in my comment).
In any case, it would be good to see more developers behind LFS, and having the possibility of getting A FULL SIMULATION anytime soon.
Granted, I don't know about them, nor I understand why it has been in alpha stage for several long years.
Now, don't make a mistake. I love LFS and I like what has been done so far, but it is 1) not perfect BY FAR and 2) not as real as some of you appear to be deluded in to believe.
And just in case you can't be bothered to read some good arguments that are in here, I will tell you two things that you all should (I mean the ones who has bought the "itss a siimulaaatiooonn dduuuudeee") "bitch" about, to use one term that apparently you like.
a) What about Shift+P, how can that have its place IN A SIMULATION?
b) What about custom views? I guess thats REAL and should be included in any simulation. Right?
Interesting.. some of them yes and some of them no. And I'm free to accept them and to shout my mouth. No. Its a work in progress, granted, the only game that has taken longer time to develop is (TMK) Duke Nukem Forever, but here at least we can try (wait, we even have to pay) for an alpha version.
Exactly in your opinion (and most forum members for that matter). IMO there are things that require at least the same attention and NO ONE complain about them...
LOL! I have NEVER said anything about I want it to be not realistic at all!!! I WANT A SIMULATION, but also the option to turn off some characteristics (like for example clutch damage when I don't have a controller with clutch.
Then you are contradicting yourself. Why custom views? Why Shift+P? Why (etc etc etc)?
There you go. And FYI, Im not "struggling" with the new patch, in fact, I have tested it again today and its not as bad as I thought in my first 5 minutes with it... that said, yes. Im disappointed by it. And I like to express my disappointment.
Thats realism. Thats what people use as an argument against criticism like mine. Thats why I made OBVIOUS that their argument is not really an argument, but a mantra that they have learned to repeat and put against any one daring to question things.
What does server efficiency have to do with Shift+P, care to explain it?
Thats nice of you, but IMO, they get A LOT more of "congrats" and "thanks" and "u roxx" than honest criticism. I get your point though, and you are right, my comments should be more constructive. Thanks for the heads up.
Right, thats the mantra some people have learned and repeat over and over. I will also repeat my words: What about custom views, what about Shift+P, what about the lousy physics when you crash? what about a proper damage model?
Some of you react when somebody like me dares to question things, but I have not seen a lot of complains for something as (excuse me) lame as a Shift+P... in a S I M U L A T O R.
Exactly what is happening. People talking about it, discussing it. That we, the community of LFS, grow as a group. In the end is a personal decision. Do I like the game as it is now? Do I like where is going? Do I blindly support the developers or do I want them to listen to their customers?
Such kind of questions lie all around, of course, not only in this thread, and that keeps us motivated and enjoying/demanding a better game.
Both points taken, you are right, its not a democracy, and yes, Im only venting MY opinion. But who knows, maybe the developers take, from time to time, ideas from their users, because several heads think better than one.
Now, thats a good point, thanks for bring in it. Do you realize that EVERYONE'S definition of the right amount of "realism"... its THEIR INDIVIDUAL OPINION??? Yep, including Scawen.
I know, and all the problem here is the word "arcade". Big mistake from my part knowing I'm in a hard core community of fans.
That said, my arguments are the important thing, forget about how you call it. "Strict Simulation" for those who have wheel with three pedals and a stick, "Mode 2" for those of us who don't have a way to give the REALISTIC INPUT a clutch needs.. and so on.
The STRICT SIMULATION mode should not include shift+p and other things that are simply wrong in current incarnation.
... I just tried the patch a bit more and can't help but noticing something... what happened to the digital speedo???? GUESS ITS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR A REALISTIC SIMULAAATOOOR!!!!!!!!!!
Well, of course, thats the whole point of a hard core simulation. But in its current incarnation LFS has some good, well executed aspects, and some others that are a shame, like Shift+P, Custom Views, car deformation physics, damage model, graphics (real time lights and shadows, textures, bump mapping, etc) and more.
So, my argument goes this way (for all the "iiits aa simuullaatioonn duudddeeee") go cry about the realism elsewhere, if you are REALLY that interested in getting out a simulator from LFS ASK FOR IT! DEMAND IT, and stop applauding blindly everything that its going on.
If you don't drive with a proper control, YOU ARE NOT PLAYING A SIMULATION, and the clutch is USELESS (in simulation terms) if you DONT HAVE ONE.
Now, for the ones who actually read arguments and doesn't resort to cheap insults everytime someone questions some of the changes in this new version... argumented points of view are welcomed.
Read my previous post. You DONT LIKE REALISM, because you have a very selective (biased) point of view regarding which features you like (because they are realist) and which you dont (because you dont want to see them).
Hmm. No. Not real at all. If something goes wrong (you crash, clutch is burned, a tyre explodes... your car should remain exactly where it should be. ITS A SIMULATION REMEMBER?
What it should be done its that at some point your car is taken out of the track slowly, and from there you should walk to the pits in order to be able to be a spectator, or get out of the SIMULATION.
If you get out of the SIMULATION without walking to pits then you should loose the hability to search servers and etc. Punishment for anyone who do not think that LFS ITS A S I M U L A T I O N