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S2 licensed
i am now racing thanks for the help lads it beats snooker into a cocked hat although i have to have some time out from the excitemient. I was thinking of starting a TOGS online racing team for the the over 50's with terry wogan or stirling moss as president. But....... I would have to set up a web page, how do you do that? perhaps one of my boys will give me some assistance. Watch this space for future developements
S2 licensed
Lock and unlock eh? I'll investigate and let you know as for spikey's comment you might be old one day if u r lucky nuff sed
S2 licensed
i've read all your comments with interest and thanks. I have now upgraded to s2 licence unfortunately when i log on i'm still S1 perhaos it takes a while to sort itself out. I tried to get through to those in charge, whoever they are but all i get is page unavailable. It may take a while but i'll get there eventually.If you see ROG1 on the track give it a wide berth you have been warned
70 year old starting
S2 licensed
i must thank all of you who offered advice its much appreciated. Yes i was 70 may 5 and still have all my faculties, well most of them, there are a few which are teetering on the edge but there you go thats life. I,ve worked my way through to the MRT? a nippy little mota that is doing my eyes no good at all but eh its fun and thats what its all about.
S2 licensed
Kompa you are a star many many thanks works a treat just have to configure my steering wheel now once i've rested the grey cells ..if i have any left... If you see me on the circuit just toot your horn as you pass, if you have one , once again thank you
S2 licensed
I found this site after purchasing a logitech momo wheel. Great i thought i can try it out but....... to a 70 year old it's impossible. I initially tried to download a demo but couldn't find the link so in my infinite wisdom??????? i thought perhaps if i invested £12 i could maybe get somewhere, but no I still cannot get a go. Zipped folders which i can't find and totally confusing instructions have done my head in. I must admit defeat and go to amazon and buy a cd which will be more straightforward. If there is anyone out there who can speak the Queen's english and can give me good advice i would greatly appreciate it but i am not holding my breath