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How I just love your post :D
S2 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :
To cite a common analogy:
You will have to build the house (it can also be a bamboo hut) before you can put the roof on top.
You will have to know how to program (at least basic techniques) before starting something as complex as an insim daemon.

PS: Oh, by the way: You may have noticed that my post was much better to read than most of yours because I have used proper english and punctuation. It may be worth to consider this for the future, too.

Hi all,

you probably won't know who I am, but I just wanted to say I really love the way you've put it in your post. I'm a computer science student myself, but I have never seen an anology like the one you used, just brilliant...And I kind of think I know what you are talking about: script-kiddies... love the way you handled it, and you're absolutely right: No way that someone will ever be able to use the insim libraries without any programming knowledge at all...

Again, big props for your handling of this situation


p.s. just looked into this thread to get a basic idea of the insim libs

p.p.s. I hope my interpunction is correct
Hi All
S2 licensed
Hello all,

Like all the people introducing themselves here, I am new to the forum and the online racing. I have had my S2 license for a couple of months now, after being introduced to the demo by a friend.
Within less than 2 weeks, I already felt obliged to buy a new steering wheel, because the vibration thingy I had was even worse than playing with the keyboard....
So, without visiting this forum I just went out and bought myself a logitech momo (g25 was a little bit too expensive), and since I figured out how to disable to 'combined-axis' problem I have been playing against myself for weeks and weeks. And now the time has come to bring it to the next level, i.e. go online!
So, I'm looking forward to race you guys, but please keep in mind I am a newbie, and don't punish me too hard for the inevitable stupid things I might do...

(I'll have to check the user cp, cause that's my racing name )