To each his own, but the point remains, if the option to race on CD1 and 3 was taken away once they becomed licensed, more people would be on 2 and 4. That's if they still want to race on a CD server.
The problem now is that most of them think as you do. They want to stay where the action is, on 1 and 3. It's a Catch 22 situation. There is more action on 1 and 3 because very few licensed drivers go to 2 and 4 as they should.
Limit them to 2 and 4 upon getting licensed, and you'll have plenty of competition. Unless, as I said before, for some reason they get bullheaded and don't like being confined to a particular server, and decide to boycott CD altogether. Which would make it easier for birder, because then he could shut down 2 and 4. May as well anyway, since so many are too narrow minded to take advantage of the great opportunity that is given them.
As for 15+ car races, who are we kidding here? This is road racing. I've seen a 3 car race at best. And one of those usually winds up getting dumped at the next corner. No, more often than not, those 15+ cars are strung out all over the track. Unless you get your jollies from lapping backmarkers, I fail to see how you can be "racing" that many cars. In NASCAR style, yes. Road racing, no. Road racing more often than not, is an extended qualifying session. I'm not knocking it, I love it. But I'm not fooling my self into thinking it's pack of cars racing together either. I mean if I'm running second, I'm only aware of the cars running 1st and 3rd. I'm oblivious to the others unless they get in the way becuase they are too slow. Which, of course, I wouldn't have to deal with if I were licensed and had the opportunity to go to a better server.
As a spectator, full fields provide great comedy. I'll use chase view from behind the last competitor on the grid, just to watch the mayhem that unfolds at the start.