What else? Everyvody wanted an update so he did it. This addon is developped by one person, expect some issues here and then (don't get this wrong, "he does his best").
Could you specify which dashboard please?
Keep in mind that one of the main flaws of my dashes is that most were originally created for left-hand driving (yea, another thing that should have been settled for a long time).
Simple answer: Until I'm done updating the most I can, you can temporary fix this:
-open the dashboard editor (open Lazy from taskbar and press Ctrl + E).
-show the Lin Gauges tab.
-on the 1st line (RPM_Lin) change the Len X value from 480 to 240.
I already had the same problem in the past, it's like files were not loaded at the right time.
Try to "refresh" by getting in a different car then load FXO again.
Because of this update, all the dashboards (included with Lazy or not) will need to be reworked.
The least I can say is that most dashboards are pretty messed up now (to be polite).
Fortunately I was already working at least in 512x512.
Sorry to disappoint anyone, but it's not really a priority right now.
I have had my share of (very) bad events* in the last 4 years, so in short, who knows if it will resume soon or not...
*including people who are gone forever
@Ayoub2016: Thanks, however, it will take a little more than luck...
Although not 100% accurate LFS Lazy has built-in interface in garage that estimate max speed on each gear ratio at a given rpm (default is redline but you adjust it with a slider).
Since about 2 weeks this account is 15 years old (and still going... just not as often as before). Sometimes words can't tell how thankful one can be to 3 dudes.
Although there is no disclaimer about it, the use of dashboards affects performance (the same apply to higher resolution textures or skins), no so much since it's only a bunch of added layers but still heavier than stock display.
This said, of course you can still come across people in multiplayer on old or (very) low-budget rigs barely able to run vanilla LFS smoothly.
Daniel CRO told us he won't be as active as before(link).
Ps: For those who wonder, the activity will slowly resume here, don't expect it too soon anyway it's not the main reason it stopped but when "one" see his work being "stolen" everywhere, "one" may think twice before coming back
Some people ask for "dieselisitic" rev range? whatever floats their boat...
Here is a quick "EK" edit for XFG (preview(s) and 240 kph/150 mph coming in a few):
Slowly going back to it. I had some hard times recently.
-XFG template is close to be done.
-Documentation for in-game editor isn't.
-Got a few requests to finish.
-Also, I need to carry on unfinished projects.
Now, something that should have been released a while earlier...
Release: FZ5 - F430 ScuderiaStock version & small updates coming soon. (as always, look post #2)
Photoshop, Gimp or any editor(s) that can handles layers. Don't worry about messing with layers it's just a matter of practice.
It's also better to use 512x512 workspace in the first place. You just have resize after .png export using "Resample Image (Bicubic Sharper)" you'll get smoother end result. (image size menu shortcut: ctrl+alt+i)
I'll provide a generic psd template for XFG dashboard asap (along with some other things).