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If this thread is speculation about dates, I am pretty sure that it is 17.07.2013. Perhaps it might not be an update, but there must be some kind of progress report. Well, it should be logical. Why? - In that date it turns 10 years since S1 was released. Pretty important milestone, isn't it?

Quote from edgars2229 : They dont understand that if they will put like 100 new cars and new tracks they will earn millions with this physics.

They could commercialize LFS pretty much, hire additional developers, do all the social marketing and so on. As you see, they haven't done that, so it pretty much means that they aren't going just for the profit. And that gives pretty much independence for them to experiment with LFS freely.
S2 licensed
In my opinion, it is impossible to "summarize the current situation of development and the feelings of the community" just by words.

Thats why I put all the emotions in this artwork. It has several meanings.
S2 licensed

Sorry, I haven't actually checked LFSforum for a while so I had no idea about things going around. Although I did translation as much as I could, there are still few areas which I just couldn't do without a huge research. There are plenty of words which don't have any translation in Latvian as far as we don't have such a great racing history which could influence language. Also a lot of technical words for car setups we would use everyday are adapted from other languages and they wouldn't count in as a part of official language. Some of them could be translated literally, but then they would make no sense.

For example, I remember I had a quite big "fight" with term- Hot Lapping, which is a button in main menu and is quite important to have a meaning when translated. Literally translating it would just sound funny. Fortunately one day when I was watching F1 series, I spotted a term what they used - "flying lap" and that was used widely used in Latvian. Although it is not quite accurate term, but that was the closest one I could get.

And there are several words which aren't translated, because they require quite a lot of research to get translated/adapted. So i did as much as I could from the interface

Of course there also some typos and literally incorrect forms which somehow "slipped" in And finally, all my English education is from high school, and I haven't been speaking in native English environment so there are way to go.

Anyways, good luck for the new translator, there is some work to be done, a bit challenging, but nothing impossible, just requires some time to be finished.
S2 licensed
I guess that after some time we will get mathematically perfect tire physics, updated interior for FX, RB4. Also Rockingham and Scirroco (2008) could be introduced. UF interior probably will stay the same.

You can bookmark this post and see in the next update, that I predicted it 98% correctly
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Uh.. Don't paint Communism with the brush of North Korea. Officially they are actually a one party democracy.. So really.. it's all these democratic nations that are doing horrible acts such as these.

Like killing hundreds of innocent people?

Communism has never killed anyone, it's communists that use the communist name for their politics, when it's fascism that kill people.

Maybe I didn't get the real idea of your post, or my sarcasm detector is broken, but I have to remind you some facts

Quote :Soviet Union appears the greatest megamurderer of all, apparently killing near 61,000,000 people.

and if you are not convinced yet, then -
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :A magic tractor goes down the hill and turns into a field.

It took about 10 mins for me to figure out how awesome this joke is
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S2 licensed

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S2 licensed
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S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :To scuare for my cup of thee no offence thow

ah, whatever

Okz, more pics of the real beauty

S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :That is wahat i cal a matter of taste

Whats wrong with it?
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
That game was Battlefield 2 or COD4, I cannot remember exactly
S2 licensed
Well, that happened to me every time when I was playing some game (cannot rember what was it :shy and after playing it, in LFS all skins were low res. After PC restart they were normal until I again started that game.
S2 licensed
*Lynce reflections
*Some DDS lights, I cannot remember who made them

-Screens before edit was here-


Quote from Flame CZE :It's a photomode comp. so you should edit something

Hmm, now I removed that ugly number plate
Last edited by Ferroc, .
S2 licensed
Well, thank you about info what is going on

Good luck!
S2 licensed
The biggest problem is the way how developers announce LFS news for community. For example - usually there was almost no information about new updates and patches, bet then, one day we got exact release date, and even a video. Now one month is gone, but we don't have any post from Scawen or other devs, where could be any description what is going on. So the way how community gets information is from one extremity to other - too much information or no information at all, how it is right now.

Is it so hard for develepors to post one message with any description what they are doing?

Finally, for the users - the best way is just to do something else, than posting 94769367593907873465 annoying messages about relase date. But IMO thats not only users fault, devs should change the way how they announces news to us.
S2 licensed

No Scirroco for you this year! Enjoy this FWD 75 HP car
Last edited by Ferroc, .
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :

I know Germans are the good guys during WW2 in Latvian history books, but I believe Latvians would benefit from reading other information sources...

The main difference between Russia and Germany is that Germany had acknowledged all crimes what was made by them, but Russia still hasn't accepted fact that they have occupied Latvia...

Quote :(probably)YOU... and probably YOUR PARENTS... were born in... guess which country.... time's up... your answer is.... Latvia? Oh, sorry... that's a wrong answer, you lose all your winnings... the correct answer was "USSR".

No, you are completely wrong! No one of real Latvians accepted fact that they had born in USSR. Yes in birth certificate USSR is written, but no one accepted this fact. They motherland still was Latvia. As I said, that paper was nothing more than a piece of sh** The main leadership dictated USSR as their motherland, but for all Latvians it still was Latvia.

Quote :Which brings me to a question... if 2 persons were born on Latvian territory during the USSR times... why would 1 of them automatically become a citisen and the other one become an occupant and recieve an aliens passport? On that same basis (if you were born in the 80s) you aren't a Latvian... you were born in a country that no longer exists and you too should be an alien... isn't that right?

Lets look for example: A Latvian child has born in USA. He does not learn English language, he also knows only Latvian history. Can he call himself as american? So how we can define him? Alien? No, he will still be Latvian.

USSR called Latvia as part of USSR, it was brutally occupied by them, but it still was Latvia for us...

Quote :I don't remember USSR Goverments sending exclusively Latvians to Siberia... I remember EVERYONE being sent to siberia...

Emm, in 40's were made many lists of most of Latvian intellectual social groups for deporting to Sibiria. The main idea was to exterminate Latvian nationality at all. The good thing is that Latvians didn't accepted USSR as their motherland, so we was still Latvians in our hearts.

Of course not only Latvians were deported, everyone who was against the system was deported, but Latvians was also exclusively deported, to exterminate us as a nation and for the remainder who aren't deported make USSR as homeland.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Ferroc: Racername - Martinss
Martinss: Racername - Martinss

Two clones supports one another?

Did you read what I said to Squidhead? I was arguing to him, because his reply to Andro message was like he had said something like "kill Russians, go back to Sibiria" , but Andro answer to iMBiz was fair and he only said, what he really is. He cant call himself as Latvian even he dont know Latvian language.

Mazo ruksi shadowwww , te runa iet par latviešiem un latviešu tautību nevis par tavām sazvērastības teorijām.

Un vispār tev nav labi te sēdēt ja pats apgādā vietējos draudziņus ar crack'iem
S2 licensed
First of all - sorry for moving to offtopic, but i need to say some things...

Quote from squidhead :Oh shut the f**k up please. I've seen enough of anti Russian nazi policies in this country, to see more on this forum? If you're so smart and know who's who - then go answer this one - I was born in Tatarstan, I was moved to Latvia at the age of 2, I know Latvian, Russian, and English, but no Tatar. Which nationality am I?

By your logics:
Definetly not Latvian since I wasn't even born here
Definetly not Tatar since I don't speak Tatar

Voila : That must mean I'm Russian, you may now proceed to screaming "Russians go to siberia, we don't want you in this country"

1. Andro gave answer to iMBiz that he definitely ISNT Latvian, because to the status when you can call as Latvian, can only be done when he gets latvian citizen passport and to get it he need to:
*Know latvian language (It looks that he dont know)
*Know latvian history, traditions and etc.

So he ISNT a latvian.

Is squidhead latvian? I dont know, ask himself.

2. How did you answered to him? He just said the fact that he isnt latvian and you are saying "Oh shut the f**k up please" to him...

Those words are giving you impression of standart disaffected russian, who always are being hurt affronted in our country and always all what he can say is to shut up...

Quote from Shadowww :Ктото чтото тяфкнул? Заткни варежку, пожалуйста.

He said something like : "Did someone squeaked? Shut up your mouth please " (My russian language skills isnt good, so that might not be correct translation, but the main meaning is said)

Again he gives impression of that character. Only swearing and nothing more about article.