are you missing the point or did u just not read the previous posts? dude you cant just talk about that expedition. u gotta also contribute to the topic. also, i would know what an expedition looks and feels like since i own one...., so dont talk... but explain how it looks like a mazda
wow. i dont see how people dont get the idea even with what i wrote. idk but it seems like people are flaming me cuz im demo lol. you obviously dont get the point, but that idea in your thread is included in this one, so i dunno wat u made that one for if you can just post it here...
and also, its not only my job to post up my car; its also other people's, and so far there has only been 1 person to post their car.
yea you just need to film it yourself using shift+u or replay cams etc. fraps isnt the only thing out there so just look and ask around for other programs
hah well its the closest i can get in demo. If i made one with the RB4 if i had s2 it would be more realistic because its 4WD . my xrt expeditions drives a lot like a ford expedition (i know because i have one). it has roughly the same horsepower, though the expedition engine is almost 3 times the size lol , and i can get it to weigh up to about 4030 lbs (1828 kg)!! hah but the expedition is over 5000 lbs (2268 kg). i got v8 sounds to match it and surprisingly i kick some butt racing all styles with it, whether it be grip racing, drifting, drag racing, rally, off road, or freestyle . I put a lot of effort into tuning it so it has the right amount of body roll, suspension, camber, stiffness, etc. you guys have any real car copies from s2?
oh and by the way, this is the way my expedition looks (2003):
Here's a place to post screenshots of your LFS cars that replicate a real car. For example, if you have a FZ50 that you tune and skin to make it look like a Porsche 911, post some cool pictures of it here . I linked some of my pictures of my XRT that replicates my Ford Expedition lol . Some of you might recognize me for always riding in it on multiplayer . Here goes...
i was drivin in my xrt during a race and right before i crossed the finish line, the car came to a stop by itself. then something weird happened: the driver got out and went to the side of the road to take a piss... i was like "wtf????" 20 laps for nothing?? lol here it is:
im sure this can be explained easily, but recently i have experienced this problem where the body disappears, leaving only the lights, glass, interior, wheels, and driver on outside view mode. here is the picture:
I was just in the pits then another guy somehow hacked into my pits... then he started to crash me after a while. i thought it was funny lol until i realized he was a hacker. any ideas of why this happened? heres the pic: