OK HERE'S MY G27 PROBLEM...........................
Calibration works funny on start up every time..Computer start's,then wheel begins it's calibration routine...then stops half way through....Computer finishes starting up to desktop,Then wheel starts its thing all over again??
It's centering fine then & caL worked properly...BUT BUT BUT!!!!
Can anyone tell me if this is happening to their g27's please...
On rotating the wheel to its full 900 or 720 or 540 or any other degree setting,I Can't get it to fully hit each set degree....
It stops about 10/15 degree before the set angle....both ways left & right have same effect of a 10/15 degree loss...??????
It feels like the bump stop is set to the wrong spot!! Look @ attached picture's for better understanding of my problem.
My G25 never had this trouble...
I don't use g25 because my wheel snapped the top half lose & is now floppy & stuffed...One reason why i got it RMA'd in the fist place