Making this thread to see if I should continue working on InsimInterface. I am working on many projects so I want to know if I should give InsimInterface more/less attention or if I should just stop it.
I figure a poll is the easiest way to get a response (The thread has 990 views but that doesn't mean a ton).
-Less bandwidth: The regular insim uses a bit of bandwidth. A big hog is the MCI packet which is constantly being received.
-Faster: You don't have to worry about lag between an insim app and the server.
-More direct: With the regular insim, for a request, you have to send a packet then wait for a response to get some information. With InsimInterface you will be able to instantly access any information. -More info: You can access all the information that the server has. Cons:
-Windows specific: Sadly, the biggest pro about insim being network based is killed here. insim being networked based means you can have a linux insim/etc. InsimInterface is built into LFS Dedicated so it is windows only.
Adding more functions, don't know which are more important though. Also, I think I will probably rewrite it when I have it all laid out(sometime between alpha and beta).
I do need to organize the back end a bit, it is gonna be very messy for me at first.
Sorry for no updates for awhile, I haven't abandoned the project. I was looking for ways to do the callbacks while working on some of my other projects. The callbacks are almost sorted out. And once they are that means that it wont be long till this is done.
My mod needs extensive work. But if you do want to use it, all you have to do a provide it a database with the username/password and it creates the tables.
I'll try to keep this thread up to date with what I am doing.
A lot of the stuff is inlined so I am writing out the stuff I need atm.
int GetPlayersCount(); int GetConnectionsCount(); int GetClientsCount(); int FindPlayerByID(char id); int FindConnectionByIndex(char idx); int FindClientByIndex(char connidx);
I am switching from unmanaged C++ to unmanaged/managed C++ to make some things go faster. So I think the first plugin interface will be a .net interface.
So it would be like the C# open source cruise server. A little...
There is only a client check for if carreset is allowed. So if the client removes the checks, the server has no problem reseting their car. This patch will stop hacked clients from reseting.
Also will have an update soon. Going to switch over to unmanaged/managed C++ so that I can have low level hooks but high level libraries.
I was thinking of writing up a plugin that would retrieve all the info about servers from my server.
Why? Well currently LFS contacts the master server and gets the ip/port of the servers and then connects to the servers retrieving info. With the plugin, I would have my server grab data every 5 minutes and then you can contact it and get info about every server fast.
This is caused by sending the "join" packet with a spoofed index.
The server does not check to make sure the index of the connection is the same as the connection index in the packet and uses the connection index in the packet.