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Sounds epic, when can i join?
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DC Universe online
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I wanted to play with the Classic GT on christmas Hope its released soon.
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Looks good, Gonna try it out.
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Quote from rich uk :hahaha failure overload. how did you shoot your avatar? you can't have pressed the shutter yourself?

BOOM, I believe that was K.O

Drift king needs some sleep, Have fun guys.
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Quote from rich uk :hehehe, wow what a comeback! now be quiet and let me carry on eating popping corn.

I want some popping corn.

I agree that drifting sucks, but i hold drift world record. This means Drifting still sucks.
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Quote from konektor70 :lol, you are idiot

Thank you Sir, i respect that.
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Quote from konektor70 :you lie

Sir, i am not a person to lie. I am the world record holder and you are not.

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Quote from konektor70 :how many points?

Show me the picture then i will say how many i have. I believe its like 4 points more than you got.

Yeah, it was 1859300..

Damn, Looks like you will need to do your drift again to beat me.
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Na, I've got it.
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He was all over a certain website about 2 hours after the video was uploaded.. then everyone else caught on.. Great voice.
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I love iphones, but in my personal opinion Blackberry Torch does all the same and extra. Got it at Christmas, Love it to bits. Still would rate Iphone as a epic phone.

I Watch the Avertisements while watching Nascar.. and the United States are like 10x infront of the UK with mobiles.. It's so annoying, some of the androids are great..
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Quote from shaun463 :Yeah, some people do some stupid things. I was just targeted.

Do me a huge favour, just track the ip. ask hotmaiL or find out somehow... Please, I want to know what rotten bastard blames me. I've got 2 people in my head who hacked you.. Im 100% sure its one of them two.
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :The thing is though, your both complete n00b's so it actually wouldn't suprise people if you were doing it aswell.

Yeah, i could understand people believed i was doing it. but it just annoys me that people are using my name when they do it.. which just ends with me being blamed.
I don't understand why they would hack someone to go on msn and say 'Jordan2007 hacked you or something'. It's not even fun
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Quote from J@tko :orly?

If i bothered hacking anyone, i don't think I'm that much of an idiot to bait myself up, but i believe i know who it was.

Quote from rockclan :And Shaun da Costa just got hacked.

And it seems as BRT900 and Jordan2007 are working together in hacking people:

Seriously, I thought you was a friend and you start bullshitting a load of bollocks about me.. one picture and brt being banned it shows 'Jordan is hacking people' Mk, you believe that ***hole.
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Hacked 3 days a go by the bat rastard. he changed everything, even my igp manager password. I have no idea how he/she/it got onto my hotmail considering my security question is something that no one can answer accept me.
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Quote from brt900 :i was tempted by rockstar pack and the square enix pack. but i have gta IV already and manhunt. and already have just cause in the eidos pack

Or maybe just buy me the Train Simulation pack.

See, considering i've been broke this christmas, i've spent like over £200 on you
I believe i deserve the Train pack Sir.
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Do that on google translate now, instead of listen it says beatbox
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Quite annoyed how when i try to pay for any items, it just completely fails.

Steam store keeps stopping aswell, i just want 2 copies of BFBC

Happens every Christmas when there's a huge sale, Once it takes me a day to buy the game. it takes me a week to download it.
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Never really cared tbh, I've been on there a few times last year. Haven't bothered this year..

November 2009 - 1st distance
November 2009 - 8th laps

October 2009 - 1st distance
October 2009 - 2nd laps
October 2009 - 18th won races.
October 2009 - 50th finished races

Personally they are pretty much pointless to me.

Haven't seen anyone yet who has beaten 31,000km in a month.. but i don't think anyone would want to.. I spent like 5 hours non stop on cruise servers a day.. Damn, bad times.
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Saw this before i bought Mafia 2, I thought Mafia 2 was going to own this, but this looks 10x better.

Can't wait
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Seriously, We need Ali G to do the commentating for the season.
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Damit i ****ing hate terrorists -.- They are everywhere now :/

Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Quote from J@tko :Replace beta with play
