I love iphones, but in my personal opinion Blackberry Torch does all the same and extra. Got it at Christmas, Love it to bits. Still would rate Iphone as a epic phone.
I Watch the Avertisements while watching Nascar.. and the United States are like 10x infront of the UK with mobiles.. It's so annoying, some of the androids are great..
Do me a huge favour, just track the ip. ask hotmaiL or find out somehow... Please, I want to know what rotten bastard blames me. I've got 2 people in my head who hacked you.. Im 100% sure its one of them two.
Yeah, i could understand people believed i was doing it. but it just annoys me that people are using my name when they do it.. which just ends with me being blamed.
I don't understand why they would hack someone to go on msn and say 'Jordan2007 hacked you or something'. It's not even fun
If i bothered hacking anyone, i don't think I'm that much of an idiot to bait myself up, but i believe i know who it was.
Seriously, I thought you was a friend and you start bullshitting a load of bollocks about me.. one picture and brt being banned it shows 'Jordan is hacking people' Mk, you believe that ***hole.
Hacked 3 days a go by the bat rastard. he changed everything, even my igp manager password. I have no idea how he/she/it got onto my hotmail considering my security question is something that no one can answer accept me.
Never really cared tbh, I've been on there a few times last year. Haven't bothered this year..
November 2009 - 1st distance
November 2009 - 8th laps
October 2009 - 1st distance
October 2009 - 2nd laps
October 2009 - 18th won races.
October 2009 - 50th finished races
Personally they are pretty much pointless to me.
Haven't seen anyone yet who has beaten 31,000km in a month.. but i don't think anyone would want to.. I spent like 5 hours non stop on cruise servers a day.. Damn, bad times.