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Thread is now closed. Problem solved. Thanks for answering my question.
Demo licensed

I tried everything you said but still no luck for me. I hope there is still a solution for this. Thanks
Demo licensed
Quote from pom456 :Why don't you only use the Motorola VT2442, there is a router included !!!

Yeah why 2 routers?

1 is for the VOIP which is the Motorola (expecting some calls in this fone)
2 is for Wireless which is the Dynex (Belkins) Wireless G802.11 there are 3 wireless lappy here, but mine is directly connected to a router or modem.

those are the reasons why i want to configure this routed connection to run my LFS Game.
well before it runs smoothly when i only use modem...

But surely ill try one of your suggestions. Thanks pom456.
Last edited by AE101, .
Server & Client in 1PC routed connection problem.
Demo licensed
I'm having problems connecting to both routers. I use 1 PC to run LFS Dedicated Server and also use client or play with the same PC. When ever i connect the PC to the internet with the ADSL Modem direct connection (w/o router) I see my Dedi Host Server running in the list of server in LFS.

But if I connect to the internet with this connection:
1)ADSL Modem
2)Motorola VT2442

I dont see my server anymore is the list of LFS Server.

I tried using the PortForwarding configuration with a list of LFS server ports.

and i also tried to configure the Window Firewall adding LFS ports in and out bounds.

but still the same thing, i can't see my server running in LFS master server.

Is it possible to use 1 PC for LFS server host and client, (both running in 1 PC)?
is there any other way to configure this to run my LFS server in a routed connection?
and do i need to change the IP in Setup.cfg file of Dedicated Server?
Last edited by AE101, .
Demo licensed
I'm also having problems with connecting to both routers. I only use 1 PC to run LFS Dedicated Server and also use client or play with the same PC. When ever i connect the PC to the internet with the ADSL Modem direct connection (w/o router) I see my Dedi Host Server running in the list of server in LFS.

I dont see my server anymore is the list of LFS Server.

I tried using the PortForwarding configuration with a list of LFS server ports.

and i also tried to configure the Window Firewall adding LFS ports in and out bounds.

but still the same thing, i can't see my server running in LFS master server.

is there any other way to configure this to run my LFS server in a routed connection?
and do i need to change the IP in Setup.cfg file of Dedicated Server?
Last edited by AE101, .
Demo licensed
ITB sound or Weber carb sound
Demo licensed
Help i do get this initializing ISRM
I get this DEBUG message.

@1/20/2008 6:32:03 PM:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ISRM.ISRM.In(Object message)
at ISRM.ISRM.In(Object message)
Demo licensed
AuthAllowPlayer = All1; --> AuthAllowPlayer = All;

This works fine... thanks Gai-Luron
Demo licensed
Thanks for sharing this... Now I can review my over all laps after the race.

Great work!
Demo licensed
Post Removed
Last edited by AE101, .
Demo licensed
How did you changed the wheels?

Quote from Agniz :My private drift skin. Nothing special, but I like it. Maybe someone maked a equal skin, but I don't know. Bodykit author is credited.


In action:

Comments please!

Demo licensed
I got error saying:

CLR error: 800004005.
The program will now terminate..

I got this after installin dotnet.
Demo licensed
This is a good one. Thanks for sharing this.

Quote from SKaREO :I'm only a demo driver, been going for about a month or so. I've had a lot of racing experience with Gran Turismo. I also understand how a car works pretty well, so I have some setup experience. I use keyboard and mouse at the moment, its not as good as the wheel and pedals I'm sure but I don't have much trouble keeping up.

This is my first ever drift setup for the XR GT Turbo, and I find it very easy going, nice and smooth drifting around the corners. Once you do a couple laps the tires get to a very nice temperature, you'll get some nice smoke for show drifting. I have the car as low as it will go, so you get nice downforce, good traction while your tires are hot on the surface.

Please let me know how it goes for you after you try it.

Edit: Changed the camber a bit, it feels a bit smoother.

Demo licensed
where or in what dir. path do i place this ISRIM?