Haha you guys find it bad :38 ? daaarn
I did my first 20 laps ever on this car on Blackwood and i got 1:42 as best time. wuhahah
It's good we have time to practise me think.
I'll go and check some champion run from lfsworld me think.
Hi guys,
I have been driving around and frankly I am lost in the jungle of options.
Could you propose me good starter options for my first days of practise?
I'd need:
-a good starter map on which to practise. (F1 or touring map would be fine, I'm not into rally like maps yet)
-a good starter car. 2 actually, a F1 and a touring one.
-according setup for both cars. Or an accessible tutorial link :P Unless you tell me to drive in standard setup.
I know I'm asking a lot, but it's hard to find your way at the very beginning.
Thanks. I realize these AI are indeed well dodgey. I will do with those not involving AI like slaloms and such :P
I did all the tracks slowly to get an idea now of the places.
Not too sure which track and car I'm gonna start to practise with now.
I have been trying a lot of times this evening to take over in the rally training step18. But this is difficult for me.
Is there any place where i can see a demo of someone achieving this?
The few times I manage to take over, the car behind me bumps me from behind. Which enrages me after 100 times...
I understood that. It's that I always drive in automatic gear, and my plan is to get rid of all the helps to slowly learn to control the beast.
So if that makes sense, my question remains.
Is a simple button enought to do the clutch pedal work?
Oki you wrote it for g25 owners. I have the DFP without a clutch pedal. Does it make sense to bind clutch on a button, or is the pedal absolutely necessary?
Hello lads,
It's with great pleasure i arrive and post for the first time here.
It's my child's dream somehow to play in racing simulations. I waited that I am 31 years old to do so, don't ask me why :P.
So after I looked around a while and figured LFS is the best option for me, being as realistic as it could be. I got the demo today and started taking tutorials and got some first attempts on pub servers.
I am not sure if I should get S2 license straight or if i should practise on demo first, then S1, then S2.
What is the best option for a good learning curve?
Edit: Well i took the S2 license anyway now. I figured I might get more training stuff like that.
Last edited by Musachan, .
Reason : bought S2 license