I wanted to test the "new" LFS Lapper and also the Airio Control. I installed the LFS Lapper via CP to test it, and now i tried to install the Airio which dont works anymore.
Can i deinstall the Lapper manually to test Airio ? And when Airio is not my thing, reinstall the Lapper again ?
I have my Lapperscript (with Pitboard 1.43) on a hosted LFS + LFS Lapper 5.716 installation. Everything is working fine, but the Lapper doesnt recorgnize my PB file with driven times. I tested it on a local installation and the lapper recognizes the PB.TXT when i rename it to PB (without extension), but the Lapper on the host didnt.
Yupp, thats exact the way it works. But i have in mind, that these messages shown in the pitboard, were shown to others either in the last versions of the Pitboard.
We were racing with 3 people today on AS2. All had the pitboard configured, but what the lapper showed to the people was different:
So if racer A had a good split or a good lap, it displayed it in the pitboard of Racer A (self). Racer B hadnt seen anything while Racer C had the message on the upper left (like as normal).
This happens in Qualify and in racing. But in racing it showed the fastest lap as normal (i guess because it comes from LFS itself and not from the lapper).
So, any help on this ? I would like the lapper infos to show to all people.
Thx for your fast help () and sorry that i stole your sleep ^^.
Unfortunately it didn't worked on our server, whole Lapper script stays off.
I have to investigate that a bit more tomorrow...but for now i also gotta go to bed.
Now lets say i want the pitboard message the only msg that pops up. Which entries i have to delete of the original lapper script ?
For example, i do not want to have the "accept" and "deny" button if someone joins. I tried it with "#" in front of the words in that section, but in that case the lapper wont even start when i do this.
So in general, is it possible to have a "welcome to LFS Lapper" blabla....msg disappears after maybe 10 seconds...and then the pitboard config starts automatically ?