im looking to buy/build a new system sometime soon, with my limited knowledge it should be a fun experience of compatibility issues and thing blowing up :] (although i will get help along the way)
im onto looking at GFX cards, but i need to know what im looking in a good card, what figures are good, good makes etc.
thanks for all your help, shame i cant upgrade much, but when i got it i never thought i'd want to upgrade anything! but i'd like to do whatever i can to generally make it better
ahh well, i might give extra ram a go, i found 1gb for £18.39 by a company called transend, does anyone else have any suggestinos
im planning on getting a new one early next year, so i'll jsut struggle through untill then
Recently i have been getting into LFS more and more, ive been racing around in single player mode against the clock which lets face it isn't very satisfying, ive tried online quite a bit but i am limited to the rooms i can join by the number of people in it.
So to further my LFS and general PC gaming enjoyment, im looking to upgrade my Laptop. the thing is im not sure what aspect to upgrade, whether its the GFX card or the RAM etc.
At the minute i have and Intel core 2 CPU t5200 @ 1.60 GHz and 1014 MD of RAM, spectacular i know. (not sure what the GFX card is, the stock one)
so what im asking for is some advice on how to upgrade this, and what specs i upgrade it to
well i may not have a wheel or a cockpit of my own, so this probably isn't the best advice!
but if it was me I'd start by getting the dimensions and stuff of all your components, and putting them into a sketch, a blueprint if you will, then you could place the seat, steering wheel etc. in the area you want it, (just guess-timate, the positions) to make sure you will have enough room then start from the bass up.
i am aware ive probably just pointed out the obvious here
I don't usually solve my technological problems i just guess and it seems to work. it might be the .ini file you talked about but i wouldn't know sorry
i might of just over complicated my problem, the similar explanation is just, LFS is not recognizing my triggers
i recently decided I change my controller driver to the XBCD driver, this all worked fine and i got the configuration file for the separate throttle and brake axis.
now my problem. when i apply then save this configuration and go to set my throttle and brake in lfs, nothing, no response from the triggers.
after an hour of doing the same thing over and over, un installing and re installing, and looking through endless threads on the internet i found what i thought to be my problem, every time i save the configuration its is saved as profile 2 not profile 1, and profile one being the active profile it doesn't work.
so now i need your help, i need to to how to save the configuration as profile one, or change the active profile to profile 2.
sorry if this makes little sense, it proved to be really hard to explain.