It's worth noting that the biggest reason for the high ride height with the "pro" setups is the fact that the aero model is very simple. Ride height doesn't really change anything and neither does pitch. Would probably be a good idea to think of implementing these at a point where the aero model also gets a much needed update.
This. It also makes it easier to get the sound closer to the real thing since you can't change the firing order in LFS. The engine is moved further up a bit to compensate for the lower COG of the flat engine.
Great job by the organizers on this! I didn't think you could make energy conservation this fun . Sadly only participated in the last round, but i had great fun adapting on the fly!
Thanks guys! As far as my next project, i want to do something less extreme and more raceable. All my cars so far have been rockets with not too much grip. Maybe i'll do a 917 later.
Hmm yeah now that you say it, you're right, slipped my eyes. Easy fix that...
Yeah i made it from scratch. And yeah it's the same kind of engine as the DFX but this particular car was powered by Honda/Toyota in 97-98. Essentially it's the same 2.65 liter turbo V8.
On other sims we usually get 2 numbers that are really useful:
1. Fuel last lap - allows you to know what you used last lap and adjust your driving in the following laps to suit your needs. When you have the fuel average, that part is kind of hard to do on the fly. I was spotting for Dennis in the last E-Challenge race and i had to calculate fuel used manually from the delta that was used that lap. This would be pretty impossible to do while you're driving yourself.
2. Laps of fuel remaining - Usually it's just fuel in tank divided by fuel last lap. This one is not as necessary as the fuel last lap, but it's nice to have for when you're racing alone and just need to know the number of laps you are able to hit with the current fuel usage rate and whether you are above or below your target.
You can change the power yourself with intake restriction. You can add tc by loading the car in lfseditor.
It's qualy spec by default and it is realistic. Since refueling was banned back then i will leave it to any race organisers to ban refueling. I will set the tank size so that a race distance will require an intake restriction that takes the power down to around 800-900hp. It's either that or i have to upload 2 separate mods, which is not ideal.
I know the car is pretty much impossible to drive on mouse, but adding TC would cause issues in case someone organizes races with the car. If you want i can send you the car with the tc enabled.