Hi guys!
It's been a while. I just wanted to post a video that I started doing quite a while ago (>half a year) and I only finished it now.
I had posted it on LFSdrift.net some weeks ago as well.
This is for entertainment, not a storybook
Watch on YouTube HD:
Download HD:
[233 MB, 1280x800, 40 FPS 30 FPS, 7.5 Mbps]
Tracklist in order:
B Soul: Come With Me
B Soul: WTF
Venetian Snares: Szamár Madár
Ruf: Want Some Crack?
Natasja: Ildebrand I Byen (2000F Remix)
Current Value: Battlefield
Download the mix:
http://www.fileden.com/files/2 ... ome%20With%20Me%20OST.mp3
About this video:
This video -as all my videos- was made for my love for MUSIC most importantly.
Making the audiomix at the beginning is an important part for me.
Sometimes I'm told I might use "too much" effects.
This shows some misunderstanding: I don't put effects to make it look "cool" or popular; I want to set a mood so I'll do what's needed.
This video is meant to have a dark theme and be kinda weird and dragged at times.
Btw, I could always edit MORE -it's just a matter of time really.
If I was to make a realistic car video, I would obviously put in different effects /if any/. My videos are meant to go well with music basically.
I think the kind of videos I make would be more similar to AMVs, where there is no story either, the whole video is about editing and syncing; about music.
Well, blabla, I've always done my videos without any intention of appealing to the masses or making "teh best" lfs video or anything at all.
It's about music.
I've started music production as well, have a MIDI keyboard, so I'll be able to express myself in another way, creating music -right now it's making videos to express my love and focus on details in music, (with too much effects and syncing

). I'd work with other/real footage of any sorts as well, only to express something to the music I mix for it (see my Limewax mix)
So, just Enjoy it!