This is just a picture I made with a LFS logo slapped on it, but to me it looks like a wheel spinning really fast...and it's blue so bam! And the logo makes it look cooler!
I swear this has been mentioned before...but me personally I don't like the idea.
Don't think it would work that great (recalling my memory from other thread i can't find)
Great work so far, but
I attempted to join a server and it either timed out or couldn't connect because other reason (I forgot) but I tried again and got in so its ok
I don't think the edit was necessary as it didn't change much :'(
Just think of it as really big flash photography on the sky and stuff just with a really big flashi donno
Wow nice update, i went from z20 to z22 and i get atleast 80fps now its great
Nothing i could say thats bad...besides the fact we should be able to choose our number plate :P hehe I like the Rims, they are sexy.
When in connection list use page up or down for scrolling?
(someone said in another thread, or this thread to use page up and down for something but i forgot if it was going to be used)