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650RWHP Daewoo Matiz



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**** yeah, u are a genius!
I founded the thing i need just before to read your post.
Its 10Kohm resistance, 5mm shaft diametre, 10mm thread. I will keep the shaft from the old one i think.
Look at this, its just what i need and its only 4 euros.
Thanks a lot man!

Edit: I think its actually a PCB mount, not a servo one, but it still has an oil in it (testet myself), so you are right!
Demo licensed
where can i found one of theese? need it brand new.
Demo licensed
Working in progress
I accidentaly broke one of the potentiometre's wire that touched the CPU and it started smoking like a rastafarian..
But the LED turned green, it cooled down and everything works, except of the potentiometer wich i have to fix now.

L.E: I think the potentiometer is broken now..
It actually works, not totaly broken, but it shows the wrong data. I will try to re-stick the wires.
Last edited by CZRTuning, .
Demo licensed
So some idiot forgot to put that back
Im almoust done with work, i spent 45min to drill that metal plate with the wrong tool.. pics a bit later.
Thanks for replys, m8s!
Demo licensed
You might be right but i also doubt about it.
I dont even care no more, i'll drill some holes into the metal plate and connect the motor directly to the wheel axle cog.
I'll post some pics.
Demo licensed
Hey Mr.

Agressivity is set to 40% but whatever i'd set it the feedback is the same, all that matters is Static.
Demo licensed
No, Thrustmaster's software is very limited in user's settings and choises.
Also looking for a software to mapp my wheel from 0.. i hop you know what i mean.
Demo licensed
Thanks for advice!
I understand you, but i cant really drive with this.
The ffb is tottaly different from a real car. I know what i say.
Lets say i can get used to its brutal force, but it doesn response as i would want.
I want to remove all the shaking, or vibrations effects, and remain only with the counter-steering feedback. Is that possible? I want to make it smooth and linear when its turning from a lock to other. Its giving me some little shocks.
Thrustmaster RGT FFB - Modification thread
Demo licensed
Hello guys!
I just bought this wheel and im not very happy with it's force feedback.
Its damn stiff/strong/hard to turn, even when it has no power at all.
I setted everything up with the software from but i cant get any result, its a hardware, not a software problem.
Im trying now to modify it a lil bit. I tried playing with the cog belt unplugged to the motor and i could turn the wheel with my little finger, but i dont want to play with no counter-steering at all.
So i'm trying now to grease the cogwheels and see if the wheel gets easier to rotate, but im not so confident.

Im looking for pics or threads with this type of modifications.
The wheel is very very strong if i set the ffb at max. It brakes my arms, or if i hold it tight my desk will shake really bad. Also playing LFS with this is not great.
I need something that makes the rotor less powerfull and increase its speed of reaction.
I want to turn the wheel with one finger but still have ffb for counter-steering.
Demo licensed
I got it.
When i cruise, cuz i can't drift with this control way, i just move the mouse forward, so i can gas, and backward to no gas, or brake. It's work fine, but i'm not totaly used with that.

Excuse my terrible english, i'm 14 and i'm romanina..
hope you understand me
Demo licensed
And, could you hold on the acceleration at 3500rpm, constantly, about 30 second?!
no, of course you can't...
that was the point of this topic!
Demo licensed
I tryed to make them to drift..
with Full rear brake.. but, yes they suck )
i have manny buddys to drift with, but i'm trying to make a movie, so i need some extra.. stuff..
So, thanks for your help
Al Twin drift
Demo licensed
Is possible to make the Al Driver follow your moves??
I want to know if i can make Al to drive on my own racing line, or somethink like that..
i need for a twin drift movie!
Demo licensed
And how is this works?
It's better then gas/brake axis control with mouse?
Demo licensed
What do you mean?
Demo licensed
Thanks, but where i can found that?
Shiny Track REQ
Demo licensed
Is possible to make the track, look like this?
Demo licensed
Quote from Degats :You can assign the mouse as axis in the wheel/joystick area of the control options. This lets you use the x axis (left/right) to steer and the y axis (up/down) as throttle and brake. This way you get full variable throttle and brake with the mouse, so you can hold the revs where you like.

Driving like this takes getting used to (especially now auto-cut is gone) but gives you a lot more control than using buttons for throttle + brake.

Thank you so much, i will try this.
Demo licensed
Quote from e2mustang :use buttons instead for gas and brake,and just steer with mouse.Thats how i did it for 2 years.

i use mouse to steer, and i use mouse to gas/brake...
i just want to know if it's possible, for exemple, to keep rpm to 4000rpm, with mouse + program, or somethink
[REQ] Constant GAS and BRAKE
Demo licensed
I play LFS with mouse, and i was thinking, that it will be so cool, if i could keep the gas or brake pedal, constant.
I use Click Left for acceleration, and Right Click for brake...
when i click, it just full pedal, i would like to keep an instant RPM... or somethink like this...
Hope you understand me, and sorrry for my bad english.
Thanks in advance!
REQUEST PalatulCopiilor Karting Track
Demo licensed
To all layout creators. Could you please make a layout exactly like this one ? Its about 10-12meters width. I would apreciate verry much if this would be like real one, cuz i will training there with a real life kart. Thanks in advance!