Hello, I really hope the developer / community see this post and take some thought and give out feedback.
I've lately been thinking of a way to solve a couple of problems or doubts regarding developing and releasing the new graphics, more specifically the part concerning headlamps and foglights.
Problem / possible solution - my idea #1 = Location and implementation of light beam source dummies/subobjects
This suggestion is only IF there was gonna be a light source dummy/subobject
If there was going to be a light beam, there should be a source for it, where it shines from, visible from the outside of the car, by other drivers. Problem would be, there are not currently ways to define this, not even manually. Chaos would be, if the new version dropped, mods without this subobject are gonna get unpublished (All mods).
So, i thought of a potential way to implement these dummies into
all mods at once, by the developers; if such thing is possible.
The dummy location would be auto generated as shown below.
Suggestion #2 - Types of headlights/their respective beam patterns.
As we all know, not all cars have the same beam pattern, things evolved over the years but I'm pretty sure we can narrow it down on these, for now:

It doesn't seem like a huge deal at first, but driving close to walls, you'd always notice it

This could be implemented as sort of a option in the Lights tab.
The colour of the light could stay user defined, as it always was.
That's all i have time to write now. I'd much appreciate some feedback, positive or negative. Thanks