well, in my view all the lights should be improved in a certain way. which of the followings do you agree with ?
1.) turn signals (including hazard lights) = why don't I hear any ticking sound when they are on ?
2.) headlights = there should be even more options such as position lights, low beam, high beam etc.., In the "control" menu, you can assign "flash" to a key but let's be honest it leaves a lot to be desired, I mean the flash in a pit box which is apparently a dark place doesn't even light up the wall. there is no reflection at all. then why is it for ?
3.) hmmmm it's my handbrake. why is it automatically disengaged If want to move off with the handbrake on? and why can't I set it and release it whenever I want ? I've got to hold down the key for handbrake in order to prevent it from being disenaged and it drives me up the wall.
any feedback is appreciated. Best wishes : )