Okay, how best to explain my dilema? I watched somebody play a tune on guitar here:-
and in one of his responses he states:-
"... most of this track alternates between "C" Aeolian (Minor) and "Ab" Lydian, but for the solo I switch to "Bb" Mixolydian, I suppose the root (tonal centre) which all this is based on is "Eb" Ionian (Major)... "
Now I know what modes are in the context of a simple scale (root to root/ up and down) but I can't figure out how to give a solo it's "feel". The scales mentioned above are basically the same scale in that they all contain the same notes but unless I play them in a linear (as mentioned) up and down fashion (which he isn't), how do I give the solo it's modal* feel. I realise this is a complex issue which is probably far too much to answer in the confines of a sim racing forum but if anybody can offer some links which will cover the issue I'd be much obliged.
There are a couple of theories I have considered which may go some way to solving my problem but I'm not too sure if they're correct:-
1- Start and end a solo with the relevent "root note".
2- Is it infact nothing to do with the order of the notes played (in the solo) but rather the chord/ note played behind it.
3- Accent the "root note" (I am a bit sceptical about this one since many guitar solo's are played with a heavily compressed sound (ie. overdrive) which effectively renders any accents/ quiet notes indiscernible anyway.
a) I am already aware that many musicians have no interest in theory.
b) I am also aware that many musicians won't know what the hell I'm babbling about (myself included

c) Is "Modal"* even a word?
PPS. Thank you for your patience in getting this far down my post.