The online racing simulator
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Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
It's threads like this that start things like "Easy Mouny" and "Me Thing Mest Up", as seen on the Forza 2 forum.

Gentlemen, we're at the brink of a forum epidemic. The emergency exits at to your left and right, and you will find a floatation device under your seat.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
I thought the cars did sound different across the rev range, and at idle.

The doplar effect could be improved/increased though.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
One would be best to contact the admins.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Sounds about right TBH, the LX4/6 have bike engines which seem to be more efficient with fuel.

My RL car (EP82 Toyota Starlet GT Turbo) runs at about 27mpg with normal driving (And some A/B road hoonage). Quite good given the performance, although it is only a 1.3.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from vari :Err...what? This poll is for the benchmark site me and Henrik have:

This has nothing to do with LFS development nor am I a developer.

Oh right, I see.

Move along people, nothing to see here...

*shuffles off quietly*
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from The Sun, Tomorrow :

Headline News: LFS in racial slur!

Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :There's no reason for it, just personally I'm against it. Not like I'd run around screaming "ZOMG LFS IS NOOB" if they did, I'd probbably enjoy them but I'd rather have more cars.

Fair enough, each to their own and all that.

Quote from Stiggie :God these stupid idea's make me sick. It's so obvious that lots of you really don't know how much time it takes to create a car in LFS.
It's just a team of 3.. so i think if they would make a new car, it would be something sensefull (like the scirocco ) instead of all them ideas of ''3 wheelers, dragsters, all the drift cars'' and so on.. even though i like drifting. And those were only a few examples, which have been asked for so many times.

Whoo, easy tiger! It is irrelevant how long it takes to make something, if enough people request it (and the Dev's listen to what their customers want) then it should be included. Granted, some ideas are a bit daft, but give me a valid reason why trucks cannot be considered an option?

Quote from Stiggie :True, but it's a racing game.. and i think a racing truck will only be fun to drive a few times, to discover that it drives like crap.

It is indeed a racing game, and why should trucks be left out? We've already got hatchbacks, saloons, touring cars, single seaters, rally and autocross. Adding trucks would seperate LFS further away from the norm by offering its players an even wider selection of toys to play with. Which leads me nicely onto...
Quote from Crashgate3 :The fact that they handle like crap is kind of the point of Racing Trucks. I'd rather learn to drive something that had a bit of challenge to it instead of a 'perfect' car that was just on rails.

Exactly. Racing trucks use normal road tyres. They screach about the tracks and are lairy, wallowing pigs of a vehicle. Excellent fun. Personally, I can see the appeal of hooning about in something weighing 10 tonnes, tyres squealing as they stuggling to stay in a straight line whilst 500+bhp and 2000lb.ft of torque is shoved through the rear wheels. It'll be interesting to see how LFS' physics engine deals with that.

Quote from BoyGTA :-1 here. I dont like truck racing.

You could at least give a valid reason.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :This idea is made of fail! (Imo)

I'm wondering, what makes you think trucks in LFS would fail?
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
I'll have to check when I get back home. I know my card (Gainward 8600GT 1GB) can knock out a hefty resolution, but I think the limit for me is my monitor (19" widescreen). I run the game with everything maxed out and my framerate is capped at 100fps. I'll take the limit off and see what it'll run at too.

One question though, why the increase in resolution? If you want to make the game look prettier, surely it would be better to work on texture details or track/car detail in general? Not to say that LFS doesn't look good, but it does pale a bit in comparison to something like Forza Motorsport 2...

Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
This idea is made from WIN.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
I'll have a slice of that pie thank-you-very-much-sah!

LFS is by far the most realistic sim I've played. Even Forza Motorsport 2 doesn't offer the realism (Although the graphics are purdy :tilt.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Depends on the car. The Raceabout is twitchy even at the best of times, the LX6 is a bit of a lairy beast, and put a rear wheel on the grass under throttle in a single seater and you'll be pinballing off the barriers almost every time. Be gentle with the controls too. Chucking a car into a corner with gay abandon and mashing the loud pedal might well work on the smaller cars, but it will get you all shapes in the more powerfull cars. Another thing to remember with the turbo cars is that the boost is quite accurately simulated. Some cars take a bit of time to build boost (called 'lag'), and what might not spin the wheels at low boost probably would at high boost.

With regards to the controllers, keyboard/mouse mostly fails. Either get yourself a wheel or a controller. I recently bought an XBox 360 wheel to try (I got it for £5, so if it was poop I hadn't wasted lots of money) and now I'm used to driving with it, it is infinately better than the Xbox wired controller I had been using.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Castor angle also effects dynamic camber, which is the effect of increased wheel camber as the suspension load is increased. Too much castor can lead to a loss of traction under load or extremes of cornering.

To see this in action, set the ride height on both front and back wheels to maximum, then soften the springs on both to get some decent suspension travel when the car is dropped. Set a low castor angle, drop the car and note how much camber you get on the wheel. Then, set the castor angle high and drop the car again. You should notice a change to the camber angle, although I forget which way it works. I think more angle towards the rear of the car gives more dynamic camber.

If you're going to do the above, create another setup, I don't want to be blamed for borking someones race setup.

EDIT:- Wiki Linky
Last edited by Mikey Monkfish, .
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from mrminor28 :but locked diff ftw for drifting.

Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
4 replies and no-one picked up on this little gem...?

Quote from David 09 :On the other hand we feel well vibrators.

The internet must be broken.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :

When I read the title of the thread, I thought "Isle of Man TT", only shorter.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from eight6er :@s14 If you bothered to read on you would know it happened in a car park and I cleaned it up. I drive a motorbike myself so had this in mind. So keep your idiotic requests to yourself.

Quote from eight6er, not so long ago :I've been trying to break my corolla for the past 8 months, the gear box only gave up this week. I've been ramming it through the gears with out using the clutch, forcing it into reverse while rolling forward, managing to get it into reverse three times. It makes some crunching noises.

EDIT:- Bah, I forgot to say, why does it matter if LFS doesn't acurately simulate shoving a car into reverse whilst traveling forward? It isn't usually possible on a normal road car and, unless you're Russ Swift, why the hell would you want to be able to do that anyway?
Last edited by Mikey Monkfish, .
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Is this why a lot of racing cars misfire as they approach corners? Because the rev limiter cuts in as they change down a gear?

Because they're highly tuned and run unrestrictive exhaust systems.

Myself, I'd like to see flames out of the exhaust and random pops and bangs on gear changes and when braking. Makes for more atmosphere and realism.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
LFS probably has a lot of CPU calculations to do. AI, physics, body deformation, suspension, tyres etc etc etc. It's not as pretty as other games, so the graphics probably doesn't play much of a part in it.

That and Fraps is a renouned resource thief.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Col speaks the truth.

I don't really see what all the fuss is about. If you'd spent hundreds of hours making a skin to sell for millions upon millions of game credits (Reference point: Forza Motorsport 2) then I can see the point of having a bit of a hoo-haa about it all, but the graphics on LFS are hardly something to write home about and the skins are far from complex (comparatively speaking).

If someone steals your skin, just do as already advised and re-do one with a random name, and update it frequently.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Does it do it when you are on your own or when racing with lots of other cars?

I'm running a dual core processor (4400+ iirc) with 2GB RAM and a 1GB Gainward GeForce 8600GT with Vista. I get good frame rates (near constant 100fps when I'm on my own and 40-50fps when there are 20 cars bouncing off each other), but I have noticed the same jumpiness as you, although it's quite tolerable and only when I have some 20 cars giving it Kamikaze at the start of the race.

I would imagine the jumping is caused by LFS calculating physics, suspension and tyres as well as body deformation and AI all at once. The effect is obviously increased as the number of cars does.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :doesnt the name "Bangers" mean anything ?


Destruction Derby style racing could be fun. It's a shame the cars don't deform and fall apart a bit more though.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Ahh, I'd assumed LFS used VoIP like Forza does. Being able to chat to those you are racing with is good, mostly because you can let people know where you are and what you are doing, but also because you can hurl a tirade of abuse at some numbnuts that just wiped you out.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
If you don't want to purchase a wheel, a cheap and good quality option would be the wired XBox 360 controller. It's plug and play on a PC and although it's a tad sensitive, it does the job and you can get used to it.
Mikey Monkfish
S2 licensed
Quote from Psysim :Did I only go half way?

1st base.

I enjoy LFS. Not played online yet, I need to get a mic first.