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S2 licensed
Quote from DasKlee :this problem is only in races with forced pitting - so you can't compare it to F1 racing -

I was referring to Mr Schumachers stop/go (forced) in the British Gp.
It was taken last lap, in the pitlane.

The point is that the pitlane is part of the track. And one can still win the race in the pitlane, on the last lap, its just not likely to happen.

The rules modification was to add a time penalty if the incident was within a certain number of laps from the end, not to disallow winning in the pitlane.

I dont consider this cheating.

what about the people exploiting the aero bug? 149mph in the FOX uphill........................................................................................
Last edited by BlueShaun, .
Server gone?
S2 licensed
Where is the server? Was looking tonight after a weeks forced abscence, but it was a no show.

Hope I see some of the UKLFS guys online.
S2 licensed
lol@ american pickups.

lets build a tailhappy light torquey v8 car with terrible suspension and no safety features.

they do sell very well there though!

For the Aussies it seems to be better, i`ve never actually seen an aussie pickup here, though i have seen (and heard) a F150 deathtrap. (ironic given the driving on the left here)

Thanks also for the correct spelling of ute. I had imagined yute, despite knowing the abbreviation, and watching the ute racing on the trackside highlights show (its on motors tv)

OT I love those "aussie racing cars". I want one in LFS! they look sooooo twitchy.
Last edited by BlueShaun, .
S2 licensed
I also posted about this on rsc.
its very annoying, and needs to be fixed.
S2 licensed
I dont see the problem with this. We have even seen a F1 race won on the final lap in the pitlane.

The object is to get from start to finish as quickly as possible, taking a pitstop.

Since this is the fastest way(fuel loads and tyre wear in LONGER races not withstanding) it may be that in fact you are the muppet for not tackling the race this way.

If you cant beat them.....
S2 licensed
I was taught all metric in school and university. I understand it very well.

Growing up distance was in Miles, then Km. Now they Switched speed to Km as well. but everyone still uses miles/hour and miles as far as i can see.
And when i enter the 50km zones, i keep the needle on the 30. (as focusing on the tiny 50km/hour gauge is impossible)

So i use MPH in lfs, it just seems natural, in the same way that mass is kilos, volume litres (except for petrol use which is miles/gallon) and beer comes in pints. Engines have CC capacity, but BHP power.

In short i think we need to go cold turkey, and abandon old imperial units, but its hard, as you can see from the experiences above.
S2 licensed
I was at Mondello and it was brilliant. Saw Plato get Platoed

However, if we have cars flying with people avoiding contact, i dont think it would work were contact allowed.


Quote from ButterTyres :For those of you that do not know BTCC (British Touring Car Championship) please see the following websites (can there be that many ppl that dont know it?) youll get the idea.

I've noticed after watching some BTCC racing quite closely that they race nothing like how we race in LFS. They are far more aggressive and make their passes mostly with contact! There is a lot more blocking in BTCC (Jason Plato is an expert), and it all makes it damn fun to watch.

We seem to pussy foot around in LFS and call it "courtesy" - why? In LFS we have nothing to lose, these guys in BTCC have a lot of money and metal to burn... mind you they have alot more to win so maybe thats the answer...?

Would any BTCC fans be interested in having a server with BTCC in the title to suggest this type of racing? Its not recking, but that will happen obviously if there is a lot of contact. Maybe its a silly idea, but just sometimes when racing, I see a very small gap, that if I were racing in BTCC I would probably go for, however in LFS I think "ah better not, CRC etc".....

answers on a post card!

S2 licensed
my baseline

u can change wing, just add front/rear in same ratio and it works most places.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gimpster :BlueShaun, I wrote that as if in a GTR, the FZR to be exact, and I can run 36s there with my current set. Its not ment to be so much a guide to the perfect line or speeds, but rather as a representation of what it might feel to drive that track. I was only trying convey how I feel running that track, nothng more.

its even faster
S2 licensed
Jebus Gimpster, get a setup.

Its flatout the whole way to the chicane, and thats marginal..... ur just gonna cause pileups with advice like that.

In fact heres a good one, i ran 35.6 with it. and its low nose
Last edited by BlueShaun, .
S2 licensed
Thanks TheJag

Is there somewhere with this all posted? i cant find it here or RSC, and the homepage is just saying signups closed
Last edited by BlueShaun, .
Where/When is next race?
S2 licensed
Where is the next race? I havnt seen any schedule.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm in (I was the first to sign up I think). Can't wait. Just hope I didn't peak to soon in the first practice session.

I missed it. Should priority not be given to those who raced on the practice server successfully all the time?
S2 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :As the FZ50 is like a Ferrari 575M and a Porsche 911 in one car, which car's engine should it have?

Seems more like a 350z with a better looking body to me.
Fuel Load Stored in Setup
S2 licensed
Could the Devs please change it to store the fuel load in the setup?

I like to have setups like bl5lap, bl10lap etc.

I went for a race today where i thought i had 27% set for my 10 lap (as i had the last time i used the car/setup), only to find after 3 that it was actually a fuel load i had set for my aston club race in the mini!
S2 licensed
I`ll always share mine with someone who asks politely, as its still 90% down to the driver.

I`ve refused on some occasions, when people who have taken me out while recovering from a spin or while being lapped ask for it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Revzalot :During a race on my XRR, I've noticed my brakes tend to lock up and it's tail happy as the gas tank gets empty. What in dash adjustments can I make to counter this symptom? I've read somewhere that adjusting brake bias will help cure this. Can someone elaborate?

To prevent the front brakes locking up, move the bias back. this will increase your oversteer problem.

To cure the oversteer, stiffen the front antiroll bar, or soften the rear.