Finally the time has come for the last round of GTWS. The Championship was about to be decided on Kyoto National Reversed, where we were going to have a 24-hour race for a first time. All day, all night races aren’t anything new to us, but gathering a few men team, planning the stints and realising this plan on track still is one of the biggest challenges in LFS. Last year we had managed to field two cars on the grid, this time though we had to seetle for just one, and because our FZR was leading the champs, it was a logical choice to be backing it up. Unfortunately this meant our XRR would be giving its final podium spot away without a fight.
At the moment of you touching me, which is indisputable, my lags weren't taking part in that as its good visible on the video. I saw what you did with other driver (not only in lxc) so I wasn't surprised because I know what you present yourself.
Also, nice manipulation of the video, I have to say that. Firstly you show 20s period of time without any sense before the crash, and then you cut the accident to its half to make the lags guilty, great, but people aren't that stupid as you think.
@edit- Ray, I can see that you are not too intelligent, the problem lies on NDR servers side, not mine, I can't do anything with lags.
I am so sorry for my lags. I (whole Cq) got the info from IRC just in the end of 2nd stint that something is wrong with my (and team's) connection. Weird thing is that we were lagging in the same moment, in the same way (only polish drivers such as: Garfild, Ziomm, Arco, Goszki and of course me.). I didn't want to ruin anyones race by pushing their car out of the track. Therefore I'm sorry if I pushed someone, I wasn't aware about the fact how my car is bouncing around the track.
Session of Incident: Race 4
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident: 9m45s MPR, lap 8
Car(s) involved: 9 and 88
Location of Incident: last turn
Brief Description of Incident: R.Costa without any pardon runs into my car's side, makes me half-spin, pushes me by sideways for 5m as if nothing had happened. After that he spins my car inversely to driving direction and continues his destructive ride.
That strange, i can only hear 'shhh ****ing garbolewski shhh ****ing niko shh ****ing everyone except me, im the god of kyoto 500'
Go home kid, u are drunk.