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Incorrect Z index and/or alpha problem on South City building
S2 licensed
The bottom part of a building on the big multi-lane straight of South City (Chicane at least, haven't checked other configs) has the wrong Z index*, making some other things like the fence visible through it.
(*thinking about it further, it seems more like an alpha problem rather than z-buffer, like the building is incorrectly set to alpha and/or only alpha objects are visible through it)

Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
You could try speed hacking on Cheat Engine
And even if you tried it online you would time out/OOS/whatever :P

(PS: This isn't speed hacking like people use to cheat with, but changes the speed of the whole game, so the packets and everything are sent slower/faster, and therefore gets thrown out of sync )
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
This is..... AWESOME!!!!
Love it!

I couldn't manage to get under 4 minuets though...

I'll definitely be playing this over and over again
S2 licensed
Still works great
Though, the lights flash after it goes over the set redline, so 8000 is a little high for XRT (fuel cutoff is around 7500), or even FZ5 (just under 8000).. so it only flashes if the engine gets over-revved :P
All the cars are too high

edit: It seems any port higher then 32767 gets this: "Cannot parse port number, check your config file."
Other ports work though....
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
Works great!

I have a suggestion for making it work with FFB though:
Make a dinput8.dll to place in LFS's root folder, like ENB series, or the FFB mod
S2 licensed
They stay frozen until I restart the app
S2 licensed
Works fine without LFS open, but as soon as LFS is in focus, it stops changing (the rpm value still goes up and down though).
Both windowed and fullscreen.
Starting the app after, then clicking on LFS does the same...
S2 licensed
I never said it wasn't funny :P

Need to move the camera back next time though, cuz my shifter isn't visible

Quote from NotAnIllusion :If it had an overused trance/dnb intro with credits - longer than the actual feature of course - it would be even more amusing

Hmm, might try that....
Last edited by goodboy735, . Reason : White text >_<
S2 licensed
Thanks for calling me weird, friend

And btw, this was to test out camera angles, and I sent it to him for his opinion on them :P
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
Typing in the replay offset is in seconds for me (ie, 2:00.000 = 120.00), and it did the same thing when I tried to use ":"
S2 licensed
Don't know if you figured it out or not Victor, but it's not the character.... it's how many they're are.
If it's longer then 15 it's corrupt (you can't type more then 15)... brackets work fine
Having all the colors in a name really takes up space :S

Managed to hex edit mine back to life, but now the car path is a camera
I can still use it though
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
Quote from morpha :Same problem and I think I've narrowed it down to the layer name. It only occurs when I attempt to save/load a layer with certain characters in its name, specifically square brackets.

Yep, thats it. Thanks!
I think I might be able to hex edit my project back to life....

E: Hex editing the name didn't work
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
I can't get it to load any projects.... Comes up with an error box "Error loading project : Invalid layerType encountered"
And behind it I can see the car path layer isn't loaded...

.lfsrec attached in case it saved wrong

Oh, and I also can't load car paths on multiplayer replays...... Dunno if anyone else can or not...
It says "There was an error with the replay : RIP_WRONG_MODE" after clicking Next. I'm assuming it means you haven't made that possible yet, but just in case :P
Last edited by goodboy735, .
Xbox 360 Controller, Emulated H-Pattern Shifter
S2 licensed
Well since my G27 arrives tomorrow(:hyper, I thought I would share the stuff I've been using for my 360 controller

Using only GlovePIE and PPJoy, I have emulated an H-Pattern shifter on the right analog stick, and split the left and right triggers into two axes.
First gear is activated by pushing the right analog into the top left corner, second the bottom left, etc
Neutral is used by clicking in the right thumb stick, and Reverse the B button, with the gas on the right trigger, and brake on the left.

First off, you'll need GlovePIE, and PPJoy to use it.

Add a controller on PPJoy, with 2 axes and 7 buttons, with the first axis as Analog 0, and the second Analog 1. For the buttons, button 1 should be Digital 0, button 2 Digital 1, Digital 2, Digital 3 etc.
Then open the attached .zip file, and in it should be a .PIE file. Extract and open it with GlovePIE.

At the top will be 4 lines of purple text. Take out the slashes on all four, then click run, and open lfs.
Then go to options > controls, make sure "Gear shift mode" is set to "shifter", then click the Shifter tab, and click the button (on the right side) to set reverse. Wait a few seconds and it should set it.
Then go back to GlovePIE, click stop and put the slashes back in (two for each line). Then click run and go back to lfs.
Now you can set up the rest of the controls.
Click on each of the gears in the shifter tab, and push the stick in the direction for that gear. You'll have to put it in neutral (right thumb button) before clicking another gear.
Then at the top, make sure "Throttle/Brake Axes" is set to "Separate" and click "Axes/FF", then set the Throttle and Brake axes.

If your wondering what settings I use, I have the E-Brake on the left bumper, clutch on the right bumper, with the Wheel turn at 90 degrees, and Wheel turn compensation at 1.00 with Analogue steer smooth(in Misc) at 0.80.
I also don't use a dead zone for the steering, but could help someone set a dead zone up in GlovePIE

That should do it! If you need any help, feel free to post and ask
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :The first time this happened to me I spend about 20 minutes trying to figure out exactly what had happened. It's one of the joys of Vista:

[hmm, wont let me quote a quote]

You'll be able to find more details by searching for VirtualStore on Vista.

Ah, that explains it all, as Windows 7 is like vista with out all the bad stuff.
S2 licensed
I found it! I did a search everywhere and its saving them to D:\Users\[MY_USER_NAME_HERE]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\LFSz\data\shots (I have lfs installed to D:\Program Files\LFSz)
I thought maybe they were going into appdata somehow but why?
anyway, I'll just have to make a sortcut to there (Windows 7 maybe?).
thanks for the help! I never though of doing a search even though that is the ideal thing to do
Last edited by goodboy735, .
S2 licensed
I created the folder, took a bunch (about 20) shots and it says "data\shots\lfs_000000XX.bmp", but there is nothing in the folder
I have already tried unhiding hidden files and folders too.
Where is my shots folder?
S2 licensed
I have taken about 20 CTRL + S shots and the folder isn't there!
Does anyone know how to fix this?
and will I have to take them all over again?
When I take a shot it says that it saved it, but there is no folder...