We will miss him, that's for sure. The thing which I liked most in him is that he was honest to everyone. Telling what he thinks straight away. Fastest lap, pp and win. That's Tomek. Looks like he was way too fast and too good for the real life, sadly.
Which is absolute bollocks. Jump in for 1 race - win it and retire. GJ. For the wind I absolutely have no problem, only if it is said few days before the race. As it is now.
Well about that. You are a big team, with lots of active drivers as it looks like, Just why don't practice like that: 10 guys go out of the track with GT1s and GT2s and start doing stints. GT1s will fight eachother and get used to the traffic. Same goes to GT2s.
Well, I was nervous on my first league race too, it was GT3 BL1R. I didn't cause any problems, that's the thing. But i've putted like 800 laps there. Seeing the amount of practice, which your #72 drivers did it is as follows:
Max-Biaggi: 379 laps with fzr on so4. I see he drove also GT1, so not all of them is with gt2.
cyclone_u2: 384 laps
driverlt: 244 laps
Don't try to tell me that they did lots of single player practice. Won't work. I see that everyone said "Only once I had problem with LLM this race" Well we were 10-12 teams in GT1 with few drivers in it. Let's say 10ppl had problems with you. That's quite a lot if you ask me. I know you are trying to help newer drivers, but that's not the way how it should be done. They don't simply ask you if they can try endurance racing and you let them race. No, not in GTWS.
Grats to Dynx for the great pace they had. Grats to top 3 in both classes. Sadly my connection went to shit for 10s and that costed us p2 and lead in the champ. But more races to come, so see you there.
And btw, Mante learn to race man. 1st, when you half spun you retake positon under SC. And on the restart, that's NOT how you should let a lapping car.
So you want to tell me, that good 10-15 minutes are too much time? I can't agree here, because putting a numberplate and few other details don't require any skills in editing.