With Mr.Sam we understand something.
Airio foulder in my PC contains Airio.msg.en.txt and there's the message.
I will set message more short and we will see.
Thank for your interest.
Hi all, I'm sure this is very simple question but I don't know where I can do something
Do you know when the message appears at the center of the screen?
New server PB........etc...etc...
So...often the message is too long and nickname can not be read
I think is very annoying and perhaps I hope we can somehow fix.
Wonderful to have you for partner.
Now AIRIO works
this is very good, cause server is really poor without stats
I will buy another one slot.
This is sure!You great!
ok I can't understand where error is, perhaps I did mistake with limad rights or something else
how I can reset AIRIO? Can I restart with AIRIO default?
now I understand this: you can reset for default values...right?
thank again mate
and thank for your time
(really in one year I called you few times)
P.S.= !rdl? don't know this command and can't understand where i must type it (on race?)
Hi Dave really sorry but I need your help.
I missed your mail adress
Now...AIRIO don't want work on server and I can't understand error.
Please help me
]Hi all.
I payed for this service 23,49 Euro annually for 16 slots in S2 mode.
Perhaps I'm not a good client with only one opened server
but this happens:
I needed the support and for this reason I opened a first support ticket on the Game Hosting Control Panel.
First open ticket on 15 April 2013 and >>>>>>>>>> NO REPLY
I try again.
Second open ticket on 20 April 2013 and >>>>>>>> NO REPLY
Uhmmm really strange.Try again
Third open ticket on 6 May 2013 and >>>>>>>>>> NO REPLY
Now I'm sure .They don't reply
Now What kind of service is this?
What kind of Support Tickets is this?
I have advice for you:
forget Qserverhosting if you need good support. :thumbsdow
Can someone explain to me why since December 2012 I can't login in 500server.com site?
I payed for two slots and I can't login in Controll Pannell Admin?
I payed and my servers can't be online since two months
Is this possible?
Is this right?
Yes cause no one send to me only one message, no one message by support ticket,
no one message by forum...
Is 500servers gone forever or......?
Is my money gone too or.....?
Hi, this is very good, one AIRIO Full works with more servers.
Ok Anthoop really thank.Now I wait AIRIO license and after we will see.
Inaspectate notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
I hosted two servers by 500servers.com.
One server is in demo and another one is in S2.
Now, how can I install AIRIO?
For demo/server I need free version and for S2/server I need full version, can you explain to me all operations about it and about Control Pannel in 500 servers page (with simple english cause my is very bad)
I have only one account for me,
but my son many months ago wanna try to play and I buyed another one account, after this he don't like LFS and this second account was inused for much time.
I decided to lend it to a friend who did not play but he liked watching the races.
After this now my son needs to try again but I don't wanna pay 29 euro again only 'cause I missed the passwords.
This is all......:-)