As he said canada is also expensiver than latvia... because ppl make more money. Its vicious cycle isnt it . Last summer i made 6€/hour i worked 6h per day 5days A week (max 30h per week for under 18y old in finland) i worked for 10weeks ; ) and i live by my parents... THAN comes taxes and other stuff...(BEFORE IVE BOUGHT ANYTHING) i made a total of 500€ seems legit doesnt it :P . Ofc i pay my own gas for my 125cc bike (which i also bought myself) and pay bills for phone (2 years to go and total of 800€ to pay XD)
in the end of summer (bills ,gas and other random stuff paid) i had only 150€ left i think im walking to school before christmas and then live with gift/donation (XD) money till march.