LFSCART Light Series 2013 - Skins
Post your skins for LFSCART Light Series 2013 here!
For your courtesy, a reminder of the Skin rules here:
1. All skins must fulfill the requirements as specified in the NDR sporting code, Article II.3, with the following additions:
a) Cars entered by a team may be presented in substantially different liveries
b) The driver's name and national flag must be placed onto both sides of the engine cover.
c) If two or more cars of a team have substantially identical liveries, the rear wing end plates shall have different colors.
2. All skins must also contain all elements required by the published skin kit.
3. Failure to run a correct skin will result in a loss of all Owner's Points for that round.
The appropriate NDR Sporting Code Reference:
II.3.1.b.2. For open-cockpit, winged cars (e.g. formula cars): Rear wing end plates, nose of car (oriented to be read when facing the car from the front)
Skinkit attached, NDR logo and series logo provided within as a courtesy.