Attached is a picture of my wheel with extra buttons - not perfect in shape but in functionality
Btw. its 14 extra Buttons, not 10 as written before. The colored heads of the buttons are replaceable, actually I have only 4 black buttons on the left side to press cursor keys and two white to cycle through f9/f10 and f11/f12
All colored buttons are now on the right side with these functions in same order as in picture:
horn, handbrake, teamspeak (speak)
reset(car not pc
), light, teamspeak (mute all)
tc, pitlimiter
(the 2 original g25 buttons are used for looking left/right)
As I'm writing this I recognize, that I could remap some buttons like reset and tc - they are almost of no use
The gamepad I slaughtered looked like some ps2 gamepad - 4 shoulderbuttons, left hand a direction pad (cooliehat in gamecontroller setup), 4 button righthand, 2 analog sticks (I had no use for them) and 2 buttons in the middle