To those who follow my adventures:
I found the reason of the problem.

I'm using again Omega's 2.6.25a after seing the poor FPS of the original driver.
I updated it from Compaq's web page, resulting in LFS refusing to start !!!

So I reverted to original driver and installed over it the mentioned Omegas ... FPS are a little better (3-5 FPS gain I want to believe), and LFS is working more or less (more less than more !!! :shrug

12 to 16 FPS at the back of a
4 cars grid in BW1, with quite bad image quality, so I decided to finetune the settings in windows and try to apply a (
very) little of AA and AF just to see ... and I found that depending of the options that I choose, the driver sets the resolution automatically to 1280x1024

and I have again the big images (my 15" laptop screen can only do 1024x768), so being careful with this I can function by now ...
I'll try other drivers to see if that problem persist, the question is ... Must I take the immediately older or immediately newer driver that the one I have

I'll keep you informed.
BTW,dont think that I dream that I'll get 70 frames with a full grid ... my aspiration is to play LFS offline, just hotlapping or racing with 3-4 AIs, just to learn the tracks that I rarely use ... I'd be happy in those conditions with 20 to 25 frames and an acceptable quality

(mind my eyes). I know that online those FPS would almost double and that`s enough !!!
I drive in that laptop with an old
UltraracerPC and I'm happy with it !!!