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Fox 2
S3 licensed
Maybe I am missing something, but why would teammates race though? 3 drivers can create big enough gaps between each other on first lap and simply hotlap the rest of the "race". I feel like there needs to be some incentive to not turn the race into qualifying session.
Perhaps total race time should be a factor so that any deliberate stops or slow downs would be greatly penalized. Perhaps the best lap isn't even important, just take average from total race time for every racer in the team.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Sorry for old thread bumping.
This vid happens to be one of a very few I still have in my collection (used to download and keep nearly all of them).

My copy is 5:48, while Will.I.Am's is 5:24 and seems to lack a bit of end credits.

Anyway I've uploaded it as well:
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Stackoverflow implies that turning cirlce is measured at the rear outer wheel, Flotch's "asin" implies front outer wheel, HX7's implies "wall to wall", meaning it includes the front bumper overhang.

Those are 3 different values, and rear outer wheel makes no sense tbh, so i'd through overflow's function out.
The "curb to curb" front outer wheel circle + asin function will yield correct values for outer wheel. Please recheck me on this statement though Smile

As far as measuring inner wheel, I think this is the formula:
atan(WB/(sqrt(r^2 - WB^2)-Track))

Measuring FXO at track = 1.6, r=6.2 (took HX7's value and subtracked a bit), WB = 2.65 I've got:
outer: 25.3
inner: 33.5

I assume that "maximum lock" in car setups is for average value between both wheels.

Once again, please recheck my calculations and conclusion.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Why would a mouse be faster than a wheel though?

Yeah, you can technically change steering input faster but that doesn't really mean a faster laptime. I'd argue that the speed of steering input change doesn't matter at all (within reasonable limits).

Also keep in mind that using a wheel has an advantage of giving you a better experience that you can use in real life if you're into that.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Quote :LFS performance needs are always increasing.

How much have they increased in the last, uhm, 9 years? Good optimization is one thing, graphics level is another.

Progress is not evil. People constantly upgrade their hardware, the question is whether to use the ever-growing computing power, or just sit and claim great support for old PC's and OS'. No offense.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Scawen, I beg you to think again about allowing uploading hotlaps with layouts.
If one were to be allowed to place cones wherever he wants, what's the point of removing "4" from hotlaps? It is supposed to be just you, car, track and a stopwatch, without any cones standing in the middle of the track to help you get through blind corners (which is my main worry).

When you are training - sure, cones can be of a help, and adding them in hotlap mode would maybe help someone. But why allow hotlaps with those training aids to be uploaded to LFSW? Training is training, going all out for a maximum result is something different.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Preseting tyre temp? That would be great, but ideally, it'd have to be a slider, with some cars you have to start with lower than opt temp, since the tires will heat up a great deal during the lap, while with others, you may want to select higher than opt temp (think UF1, MRT5). Since a starting tyre temp would be clearly visible, noone would be at a disadvantage.

As far as lays go, I fail to understand the point in skippy's post. Surely, one can make a layout with modified start point, what's the problem? There will be only one split with limited placement point (since you'll have to cross it on the out lap, so you'd have a full timed lap and not a full lap+start to finish line). Now, that is the only flaw with this configuration, and in my opinion - it's nothing. When you qualify - the only thing that matters is the final laptime, and you can train different sectors separately. The (possibly) easy fix for this whole situation, that comes to mind is simply to make some option for the first lap to start to count when the player crosses the finish line, instead of starting to count right after the lights, like in hotlap. That may be usefull in some AutoX layouts too, actually. And it'd work online, so no limiting to hotlap mode.

But if layouts were to be allowed in a hotlap, in my opinion, it would be better if those hotlaps were to be disallowed to upload to LFSW in any form. I'm thinking about placing some markers (conus, white lines) for braking points, apexes (AS3r last corner, would help a lot). It's bad enough with "4" helper in multiplayer, I know guys who wouldn't hotlap only because they just can't drive without that line. Contr-argument would be that those layouts would be accessible to anyone, so again, no disadvantage, but I really hate the idea, that we may be hotlapping with this aiding conuses, that's really not in the spirit of hotlapping.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Nice one, wish you would've made when activity (at least in Russia) was somewhat present, i.e. 4-5 years ago
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Quote :Originally Posted by Amynue
Some people in this thread seems to be unbelievably smart since they say 2 years for developement of the tire physics is way to long and they would do it faster, so I have a question for you.

Which way the wheel rotates at this picture?
A. clockwise
B. counter-clockwise
C. doesn't rotate at all
D. jabba

I'd say clockwise, since the tyre is more, sorta, thick on the right (i've actually rechecked it in photoshop), so, if we imagine the forces on the tyre, that would be required to do this we can already figure out, which way the wheel is going, and therefore, which way it is turning.

I can be wrong though :X
Last edited by Fox 2, .
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Youtube -
Added it to the top post as well.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Can't really take advice from a man, who made the movies which u can find by clicking on the link in ur sig, sorry

I'll pass on reducing my framerate from 50 to 30, reencoding video and changing it's dimensions, thank you (youtube).
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Added low quality vid url.
FZ5@SC slomo
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Hello. I've made a little LFS clip.

Download: (317 mb).
Bad qual: (102 mb).
Both are direct links, no stupid waiting and code enterings.

Not worth watching on utube, but still -

No hate comments about aspect ratio please

Also, i forgot to mention in the titles something. Skin is by stereostatic, and music is Tricky - Car crash.
Last edited by Fox 2, .
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Not very original, did it just for fun, but now can't help but thinks it looks kinda cool (although drifting FZ5 is always cool).
Using hires skin where available while downloading lores?
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Here's the problem - when you choose whether you want to dl hi or lo-res skins, you also choose which ones will LFS always try to use. So if you have tonns of hi-res skins, but don't have the money on LFSW account atm, you have 2 options - don't download any new skins but make LFS load hi-res if you have 'em, or download every skin again (even though u have it in hires) in lo-res.

I'm proposing to make an option to force LFS use hi-res where available while downloading lo-res (prolly as a forth option to both car and helmet skin download).
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Thanks guys, didn't expect such feedback

About 360, well, did it mostly cause it's uberkewl, but also this is a pretty good way of slowing down (in fact it's often easy to slow down too much), and it is easier for 720, cause with wild understeer/oversteer method you need very fast and precise wheel movements, which I just can't do (lot of time just overshooting the turn or spinning out).

But there's still lots of room for improving, I think, T1 was far from apex, 360 not perfect (too slow and too far from the left curb), rest of the lap is good, but can shake off .2-.3 using better lines.
Last edited by Fox 2, .
Brakeless time attack?
Fox 2
S3 licensed
So some guy on our russian forum created a thread, where he proposed to try and do a fastest possible lap on BL1 STD without using any brakes. And it turned out to be a very fun challenge. Also, the time, which we archived (so far; competition is still in progress there) is actually quite amazing, i'm pretty sure noone would've guessed it's possible to go as fast as... 35.68!

So here's my XRG replay, done on 720 (hard, but teaches you good control), H-shifter, clutch, the usual stuff. Also i wanna point out that i'm driving with max FF, at least with most road cars.

Definitely possible to go faster, my TB is 35.4, but i still can improve technique, plus i'm by far not the fastest anyway, so would be interesting to see your times and techniques. Have fun
Fox 2
S3 licensed
pik_d, good post, SO3 is the worst imo.

And, by the way, kart-36, you're guilty there too - XRG SO3 lap.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Name: Anton Mironov
Car Selection: RAC
Car Number: 19
Team: A-SPEC.Russian Racing Team
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Not sure anyone suggested it, quick google search came up with nothing.

I think that ABS on/off and TC on/off should be switched in places in garage, when FZ5 is selected. Right now it's:

Maximum brake force and balance
TC on/off
TC settings
ABS on/off.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Same as LSDBlackWolf. Usually using thumb for it though.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Yeah, I just wanted to report the same thing. Seems like it has stopped working around an evening 6 of july, at least that's when were uploaded first hotlaps which are still are not converted to raf. Guessing it's somehow connected with that downtime of main lfs site and lfsw which happened around the same time.
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Could someone please explain, what are some of the numbers in !pi table? I'm interested in "playing" and "rating".
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Am I right to understand that it doesn't matter who changes gears?

I'm guessing most racers will try this with someone, who has no/little experience in simracing, and it would be very hard for those people to deal with gears at racing speed
Fox 2
S3 licensed
Love the idea, I'm in.