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S3 licensed
Quote from Zdenek CZE :And fight between Hamilton and Massa before finish was excellent, Hamilton is big racer with heart.

Rather looked like a 'hit and run'
S3 licensed
Quote from justasimfan :usual annoying whinig

If you need eyecandy, go play NFS, TDU etc. Don't disturb Scawen with feature request of effects, hdr and other irrelevant things which doesn't affects the gameplay at all. Nobody cares of them. Except you.
S3 licensed
Scawen, please ignore them.
S3 licensed
Quote from [Audi TT] :I take this opportunity, Scawen could not see this?

No. Let him work.
S3 licensed
Ramp2 woohoo! No more slippery surface
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :
video link

Thats what I call teasing Looks awesome, great work! Tyre modell/Scirocco can be developed in time, I only want to buy that track!

S3 licensed
I'd pay/make pushups/learn chinese/make swedish ordinary meal/do community work/stop picking my nose/do anything for new tracks and cars New tire model can be developed later
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :No.

VWS + new physics = S2 patch
At least that's what they said 1 year ago.

The VW Scirocco will be available to S1 and S2 license holders
via: LFS main page
S3 licensed
Last edited by uttoro, . Reason : added translation
S3 licensed
Really good to read the report Scawen! Merry Xmas!
S3 licensed
Happy Birthday!
S3 licensed
Quote from slamdunk :after being a fan since the beginning i'm now officially worried about lfs.

In all of these years this is the first time i've felt the need to express my worry :worried:

S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End ::hyper:


Please delete the post/picture. This is not funny, rather gross.
S3 licensed
Quote from csurdongulos :You should at least mention that it was not your work and not take all the credit for it. (author is:

Agree! Didn't want to take any credit, sharing was the goal. Original post corrected.
S3 licensed
Last edited by uttoro, . Reason : author missing
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Great news - thanks!

We are really happy, this opportunity is great! This is definite recognition of the simulator. I wonder what will happen after the next patch... FIA offers a racing licence for the MOE winners?

The trick is, that the previous year's hungarian champion Norbi Kiss already has a racing licence, so if he competes this year, and wins, he'll have one spare racing licence
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I really hope that patch would fix few errors:

BMW Sauber F1.06 doesn't have slicks btw @ year of 2006

Tyre names should be a bit improved like in road cars: @ now there is tyres called Soft - Normal - Hybrid - Mud | I think there would be better:

Super Soft - Soft - Default - Gravel R1 - Gravel R2
(Snow R1/R2 as future?)

Tyre surface options but not important


These are feature requests! Go to the improvement suggestions thread...
S3 licensed
Absolutely pointless.

And if a task is crossed, you will be whinig for one more reason. Remember LX8.
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :
  • S1 was basic simulation and gathering a community to work with

  • S2 is all about accurate physics and a little bit of extra content <- we are here somewhere

  • S3 is/will be pure content and eye candy, and most likely MDKs for the community <- we know of Rockingham and the mysterious new car already

Where do you get these information?

There are no exact declaration of the 'stages'. Scawen posted somewhere, that the physics/program/etc updates will be released to all stage users, and the stages will contain different contents, as it is right now.

There is no word about eyecandy, MKDs, etc. Go play NFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from nightshift :basically that's what you did today, but in a personal way that people find pleasant (yeah me too :nod. If instead of putting together a couple long-ish posts every n months you could post some random thoughts every now and then people would have a feeling of things progressing, they would have something to think and speculate about, and we all would be happier. We don't want your hard earned secrets or physics video lessons, just some bits to keep our brains fed. That stems from our love for lfs.

S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :
Also, where is the barrier bug fix?

Fixing the barrier bug affects the core physics, the tyre improvements do so(cost a lot of time both).

I drive 20-30k km a year in LFS, but the "barrier bug" causes trouble approx. once a year - the new tyre physics would cause a smile on my face all the time I drive.

So - use the steering wheel then you see a barrier.
Quote :
If they work so hard making all these language updates, light indicators updates and such it makes me wonder - do they actually have the knowlege to contiue developing LFS?
It seems to me (by wild guessing) that the desvs rather do the easy stuff now, adding languages and some nifty codes here and there

You get it wrong. The devs do the really hard stuff (no only software development is hard there, but the physics are really difficult, You would not imagine), and during that, some minor things can be released, like the indicators. Whinig about languages - pointless. Imagine that LFS would speak russian - an english translation release would make a lot of pepole happy. Now go to China, and count how many pepole are living there.
Quote :
Sure, call me a whining bitch, if I am allowed to call you a trolling fanboy.

S3 licensed
Drive the current Corolla, no "Shift Up", but "Shift" plus a green triangle above.
S3 licensed
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