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S2 licensed
Im the one who brakes front of you in corner exit :fence3d:
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I didn't want to go further into this, but since you decided to give me attitude 'n all I'd like to ask you this: Since you firmly believe that trail braking is useless in LFS, why do you do it?

What you see is the anti-engine brake thing. You can adjust it from setup. If you put 100% from setup, you would see heavy 'trail braking'.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :You'd be no where at Aston Cadet Reverse in the RB4 without it guess trial braking and a bit of drift round certain corners are worth the best part of 2 seconds a lap.

Sounds littlebit funny as you are saying someone would gain 2 seconds in 4 braking points. ( I wouldnt even say thats trail braking what biggie is doing)

Quote from NotAnIllusion :Nonsense, have a look at the WR laps on LFSW with AnalyzeForSpeed and note that most if not all include varying levels of trail braking. There's a simple reason for this. It works very well. I'd like to see an Aston National, Historic or GP WR without trail braking, but I reckon it's not going to happen.

Ok i have some wr in aston. Are you sad now?
S2 licensed
You dont gain anything with trail braking in LFS. Works better in other games.
S2 licensed
Last edited by Jaakko_M, .
S2 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :hmm, thats the only vid I have but I can't get to play. What are you using to watch it?

Try this
From another angle with another codec.
Last edited by Jaakko_M, .
S2 licensed
Start of the race was best i ever have had.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ryanry64 :
I've recently been trying to record LFS using fraps. But, 8fps.
I can't work it out, I can record from rFactor at 50fps at full size, but with LFS, 8fps.

If anyone has any possible solution to this, pweez help

System Specs :

AMD X2 4400
nVidia 7800GTX 256mb
nForce 4 Mobo

I have x2 too but @ 2,7ghz, 2gb ram and 7800GT. FPS is easily 60 with low resolution. I dont know what is your problem but i can confirm that your puter should be enough good.

Are you sure that your fraps is newest version and all drivers are up to date too?
Last edited by Jaakko_M, .
S2 licensed
Excellent review.