So again we 5th day in. Scawen are the servers hosted by North Korea by anychance? Just asking for a friend. DDOS AGAIN!!! we need to talk about it as we all paid in to the game. Being blunt.
Going to say this, not sure who is doing it but Horn needs to actually grow up and get off his butt and get a job, Stop being a child and thinking you're something when you are nothing other then a 20 year old or what ever you are just thinking you are big. You have taken down certain websites/servers. You ask for proof but sadly i don't have anything other that what you say in team speak years ago. Really why do you need to do this? Hide behind your screens. We are all here to play a game. Can't that get through to your brain? and you think it's funny. GROW UP!
Would like to say thanks for all your hard work Lynce and effort into this pack. Really shines LFS in all directions! The look of it just makes the overall experience much better!
Take time to rest because of your hardwork you put into FernBay. We shall see you next year for the other tracks
Going to put my foot in it, Sorry but has to be done.
I was once part of WKD admin team but sadly WKD got lazy and crap.
No such updates on the insim, insim failing 100% of the time.
Originally Posted by Beaver08 since when was a LFS Community server a buisness?
But WKD buisness was getting kids to spend their pocket money to fund some ones bank account for buying electronic products. Not putting money into a server that is FREE!
As i was admin you get to know certain things within the team but WKD was just pure lies! I'm only saying this as i was booted out the team (What i would get in there before beav says i was booted) I was going to leave anyways due to the fact people were paying for admins, You had one CRAPPY co owner called nibe that was a complete and utter failer at doing anything towards the team and just did drifting. Lack of any updates towards an insim that failed most nights, laggy server, laggy team speak and one crap website.
WKD is a free server, please do not donate to it, it all goes to beav's pocket. All ex admins will say the same of what i've said.
WKD is for kids now. Always has been and i also found out. You have to pay for members and admins, that is a JOKE, really? you want people who have been in your team for so long to start paying only because you have been on JOB SEEKERS for years and not found a real job like the rest of us! Really?
You want to get the police involved but your website, team speak was against the law anyways. Torrents for one thing? keygens, serial keys etc...
Anyways my rant is over, lfs is kinder dead!
"waits for beav or his friends to give me some kind of abuse!" lmao
This Keven guy, how does he get your details in first place?
Only way is you download something from him sending you a file (Key logger) so he gets your details from you typing in stuff on your pc e.g passwrds etc
Yes before i was an admin on WKD there was some younger admins/members who did power trip alot. Abused power but now we have older admins with some sort of experience.
1. Well the amount of abuse we get from alot of younger cruisers you be suprised. Every cruise server has it's own set of rules so WKD is going to be different to TC/LTC same goes for their servers. But 70% of cruisers who come on stick by the rules. Then we have the other 30% of cruisers who don't follow the rules. We warn/kick but most don't listen and think it's normal to do so.
One example is pit speeding, on WKD we fine. If continue to do so we kick but many don't listen to an admin warning.
2. Me and WKD Beanster are the official trainers for WKD, we train many per month to WKD standards which are now higher then before.
Officer training is only for people we can trust with that rank.
Yes many Cadets do not follow the rules and we do take their cadet status off them pretty much straight away.
3. We have many other servers. 6 infact. Cruise 1 & 2, Race, Drift, Offroad and Crash.
I myself do a Race Event once a week, it's pretty popular with 12-24 racers per week. We hand out price money too. Give it a try some time.
4. Donations are down to Beav and him alone, what he does with the money is down to him, Just be happy that there is more then 1 cruise server to connect to. When you donate you used to just get FO8/BF1 but now since i've been on WKD i thought why not give something back to the cruisers who donate. So we now give Member 2 to any one donating so it's us saying thanks.
Very true, We don't tell any cruisers to come onto other servers to say anything in anyway about WKD. It would be more likely a person that got banned or kicked to do so.
Yeah it's annoying, i know we should ask the server owner but again never around so maybe some one can give us info on this! what does the message mean?
Sorry to ask a question about a server insim but what does "CarBTN - Object reference not set to an instance of an object." mean? It only comes up as i'm admin on a cruise server.
This what happens when you guys come into a cruise server or race server. Don't use VOB mod's. They may look nice but they muck up everything. From when a cop chases you or just you driving around.