The online racing simulator
cheaters / hackers
(103 posts, started )
#1 - MrSam
cheaters / hackers
#2 - lfsrm
we should create a special thread for reporting those too many hacker.
#3 - MrSam
Quote from lfsrm :we should create a special thread for reporting those too many hacker.

Agree 100%
it take me 20 min to make fly hack speedhack ghost hack for 0.6e
im s2 i use this account to say please release s3 and maybe we will stop creating that kind of sht and play it... Ill never stop if its not released. Stop do hack protection about cheat and release it and do the patch for it

im not the ddos hacker, i only cheat and share. Hope the best for the devs.
Quote from asmfazer :it take me 20 min to make fly hack speedhack ghost hack for 0.6e
im s2 i use this account to say please release s3 and maybe we will stop creating that kind of sht and play it... Ill never stop if its not released. Stop do hack protection about cheat and release it and do the patch for it

im not the ddos hacker, i only cheat and share. Hope the best for the devs.

Good for you, you should get an Oscar for the most pointless reply ever....
Quote from asmfazer :it take me 20 min to make fly hack speedhack ghost hack for 0.6e
im s2 i use this account to say please release s3 and maybe we will stop creating that kind of sht and play it... Ill never stop if its not released. Stop do hack protection about cheat and release it and do the patch for it

im not the ddos hacker, i only cheat and share. Hope the best for the devs.

Congrats, you are the lucky winner of a bisycle-door...
Now just conclude that you increasing your E-pecker, still won't land you any nominations for brain growth...

From your statement, you just stated you hack and cheat to make progress on lfs faster.... I guess you where droped as a child...
#7 - Myffe
Quote from asmfazer :it take me 20 min to make fly hack speedhack ghost hack for 0.6e
im s2 i use this account to say please release s3 and maybe we will stop creating that kind of sht and play it... Ill never stop if its not released. Stop do hack protection about cheat and release it and do the patch for it

im not the ddos hacker, i only cheat and share. Hope the best for the devs.

OMG, dafuq was that?
ah good to see he gets banned for that. and they don't even bother to do anything about s2 user that was hosting a illegal s2 server and telling them how to crack it. chalk one up for moderators.
Denny12 also said that he used hack.I hope to see him banned too.I have a mpr for the Devs if they want it !
Attached files
koreni hak.mpr - 242.8 KB - 416 views
It's better to send the replay directly to the developers so they can have a look at this. This can be done through this link:
Already did that and never got an answer !
Hackers attack...loss of connection in a momento
Quote from Litro :Hackers attack...loss of connection in a momento

What do you mean?
Quote from Chriship :What do you mean?

I was in server for event, but then just lost connection with a server...Thanks...also forgot password and now all over..
Quote from Litro :I was in server for event, but then just lost connection with a server...Thanks...also forgot password and now all over..

The password for the server from the event is


Try it , you will se it works
It does works only in qualification.
#18 - kdo
LFS keep have ddos attack
Quote from kochomoch :Denny12 also said that he used hack.I hope to see him banned too.I have a mpr for the Devs if they want it !

i noticed that everyone apart from one person has totally ignored this,is it because hes a regular on the forum.sure it is
if this was anyone else they wouldve been hung strung and quartered by now by most of members here

dif you report this to whoever was hosting the event/race,
Quote from bishtop :i noticed that everyone apart from one person has totally ignored this,is it because hes a regular on the forum.sure it is
if this was anyone else they wouldve been hung strung and quartered by now by most of members here

dif you report this to whoever was hosting the event/race,

I did that too.The admin itself saw this.But im guessing that laws is not equal for everyone...
Quote from kochomoch :I did that too.The admin itself saw this.But im guessing that laws is not equal for everyone...

Talked to him via Skype. He's making a tweak league like he has done many times. He forgot to change the lfs.exe and joined the server. If you guys keep attention to the replay , you may see he asks the admin to start from the last position as he noticed after the lap that he was using the wrong lfs.exe

After noticing , he re-connected using the right LFS.exe

This may explain why no one has made any comment of the replay after looking in the chat.

Looks like you guys are just trying to start a war which ain't going anywhere.

Many leagues using modified exe's he has done: (Currently in progress , the one i'm talking about) ... mp;highlight=SpeedServers (Already finished)
Quote from Chriship :Talked to him via Skype. He's making a tweak league like he has done many times. He forgot to change the lfs.exe and joined the server. If you guys keep attention to the replay , you may see he asks the admin to start from the last position as he noticed after the lap that he was using the wrong lfs.exe

After noticing , he re-connected using the right LFS.exe

This may explain why no one has made any comment of the replay after looking in the chat.

Looks like you guys are just trying to start a war which ain't going anywhere.

Many leagues using modified exe's he has done: (Currently in progress , the one i'm talking about) ... mp;highlight=SpeedServers (Already finished)

lol sorry but full of cr@p, he wouldve noticed after getting such time. you could tell by the way he was acting he knew. eheh is it ok if i start from the back. this isnt the first time this excuse got used.and im sure that the previous person who used that excuse was on oval and it was the mod as used in this replay
Well , Whatever.

Thing is , he already contacted the persons he needed to.

And so far everything is solved. No sense to try to bring this up back.

Let's make a new page , we ain't winning anything with this
Quote from kochomoch :I did that too.The admin itself saw this.But im guessing that laws is not equal for everyone...

Just don't race at that league then. Thats what i am doing.
R1hard using hacks and manipulating stats

Since quite a time I and some others have been noticing Rihard ( username R1hard ) is manipulating statistics. Tonight on FM Oval Junkies he was clearly using hacks as well, therefore he got banned.

The problem is that LFS doesnt really become more attractive without having a fair competition. This made me decide to post this here. You will find the replays attached to this reply.

IN the first replay you see the the car of Rihard is like a terminator. He can't be pushed off track and the other driver just shoots away. You will be able to see this multiple times.

In the second replay you'll see the start of an oval race where he got hit on the back because Rihard didnt accelerate when the lights turned green. This will also show very obvious he was using hacks.

Here is the picture where he is manipulating statistics


Redline Danny
Attached files
R1hard using hacks Replay 1.mpr - 163.8 KB - 497 views
R1hard using hacks replay 2.mpr - 15.3 KB - 449 views

cheaters / hackers
(103 posts, started )