LOL ... guys .... i see some of you still have good feeling for humor !!! keep it up .. cheaters .. i will get ya all sooner or later ... muahhahhahhaaaa
well .. everyone of us hade hard times on practice or event race before. If things wants to go wrong,they will go wrong and there is nothing you can do about it .... lets hope everyting goes well on race day !
yes.... we did totally wrong few things .. but there was few bright moments for us We menage to pull away and have fun to the end
Don´t worry about lapped cars on real race. Like dekojester said At the end, I prefer and *USUALLY* remind them to drop back or yield at the restart in the last few tens of laps .
Think deco didn´t react because it was practice race
you are not onlyone slow on restarts .. i have same problem .. somethimes i miss that moment when they hit throttle .. simply to slow with reactions
i guess one thing more to improve
If you think you lack skills on oval track .. you can allways join on oval server with ppl on and practice with them.That means only few drivers will be skilled enough to teach you real drafting because no one is practicing drafting .. usually they practice bumpdrafting and hotlaping.This event could be 100% better if half of the guys would know what they are doing on the track.Most of the times you are put in the mercy of other drivers and their team vs team fights. But that´s allso in real life driving.
Rule No.1 :"To win you must first survie the race!"
There can be many things why you can´t keep up with car infront.Driving line, setup (gear ratio).If you drive alone you CAN´T be in same gear as if you draft.So you can lost time if you drive in "wrong"gear.We have diferent setups for optimal drafting ( you can´t be as fast with 2car draft setup if you are doing 3car drafting).It means every setup have his role to play for optimal drafting.
Yes was strange that we fight with leader .. but we didn´t fight for positions (shame that car in second position lost draft) .. we was 1 lap behind .. think it was just for fun .. and on race this kind of driving won´t be posibile.
If we come back like missiles it means you are to slow xD ( no offence m8) but don´t know how it will be at race with that problem. It´s all in the rule book.If there will be an issue with lapped cars as you point out admins will take care of that.
This was only "practice race" . More we practice better we get !
hey guys .. i was thrying to make skin but i fail to do so :/
not shure what am doing wrong ..." layer thing " is killing me (lack of experiance) . If someone have few mins of free time and do simple skin for me .. i will appreciated a lot... XD
if not ... its ok :P
Good race & have fun
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